07/01/2023 New update decompression issue

Just came home from a vacation to a new MSFS update, I downloaded most of the update, but consistently get stuff on decompression of an a310 and generic airports. I have moved my community folder and have deleted the two stuck folders several time and I can’t seem to get past the attached screen shot.

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Issue fixed by not only deleting the A310 and generic airports folders in MSFS/Official, but also deleting the patches all the way at the bottom of the folder.

I am having this issue as well, specifically the A310 package never finishes. My CPU pegs even if I hit the pause button. I tried the solution mentioned here but it did not change the behavior for me.

I’ve had Carenado aircraft fail to update in much the same way. Shut the sim down, delete the aircraft folder, and the downloaded archives that failed to extract, and the plane downloads correctly.

There may be patches at the bottom of the official folder that you should delete also.