No aircraft sounds

I just installed on my PC.
When I start the sim, I don’t have any aircraft sounds, inside and outside the cockpit (engine, warnings, switches, airflow,…).
However, I can hear all the other aircraft taxiing around on an airport.

I tried different aircraft (F-18, C-404, C-172, C-207, DA-62, B737 Max), but no difference…

The prblem never occured in the old beta or the old stable version for me.

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I got maybe 20 minutes into a flight, and the sounds started to stutter, and FPS dropped. I couldnt play it.

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I did an hours test flight yesterday from EGQS to EGWU, in VR, and after 30 mins the sound went to a quiet murmour.

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Add the same issue (no sound) with the C172 and same Beta (Pc). Had some sound’s cracks as well. Had to reboot and all went OK.

Need more tests.

i think there’s some intermittent issue going on with this too.

under the beta, i have seen this once, the first time i loaded the dh-2 beaver. after exiting the sim and restarted it worked again.

it also happened to me twice in the first week or so after initial release, i don’t recall which planes though. i think it was the 172 and the beaver, but i hadn’t noticed any further sound problems until seeing it again with the beaver a few days ago.

I still have the issue in all my aircraft, except 3rd party aircraft, they work perfectly fine.