[] SU1 Beta Survey - Performance (VR)

Please indicate your playability of the sim with the following statement - VR performance (frames per second) in this build is generally:
  • Great
  • Good
  • Acceptable
  • Poor
0 voters

To report a bug, please use a sub-category of Sim Update 1 Beta | MSFS 2024.

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HI @Jummivana
I’m having a weird behavior only in VR since the first beta.
Occasionally and completely random, the fps goes down to half. The second time it happened, I checked Task Manager, and all the cores in my 14900kf were at 100%.
Never seen this before, in any game or app.
I exited VR and everything went back to normal, fps in 2d was great as usual, although I only fly VR.
A few minutes later, same issue.
It’s happening on every flight since I switched to Beta.

So, my rating in performance without the issue, would be better than previous version, also due to DLSS4, but since I’m having spikes of 100% CPU utilization, I really don’t know what to vote here.

Any ideas?

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I noticed some severe stutters in the Redwood forests of California. there is nothing there, and noticed the CPU was busy, I tried raising my resolution, increasing textures to Ultra. and went to Disney world. It was actually fine and the stutters were gone, Im trying to keep the GPU busy so the CPU can keep up. it was definitely smoother. AND! in a busier area with PG.

I’ve been seeing this since RTM, including the previous SU build. Yet to fly in v1.3.10.
I’m not using VR, nor have an Nvidia GPU, so do not think the issue is specific to these (see my specs below).

I’ve yet to nail down a way to reliably reproduce it. It seems to be “area-specific” in that when in an “area”, the CPU will stay at 100% irrespective of how long you stay there. Fly out of the “area” and the CPU drops back to normal.

It also appears to be “directional”, as if I rotate the cockpit or external camera view by some degrees (varies from 60-180), I can get the CPU to drop back down to a more normal 35-40% range, with a corresponding increase in FPS back to normal values. Rotate back and the CPU jumps back to 100%.

It may also be related to scenery (possibly Biomes) as I’ve not seen this issue when flying in high northern or southern latitudes - only when flying between ~ 60 degrees North and ~ 60 degrees South.

Partial PC specs:
Hardware: i7-12700K, 32 GB 5200 MHz DDR5 CL40, Intel Arc 770 (16GB, v32.0.101.6314), 55" TV (not using VR).

Graphics Tab: Display: Full Screen; HDR10: On; Full Screen Res: 3840 x 2160; AA: TAA; Render scaling: 65 (Resolution: 2496 x 1404); AMD FidelityFX: 150; VSync: Off; FRL: N/A; Dynamic FRT: Off; TLOD: 400; OST Pre-Cache: Ultra; Disp. Map: On; Buildings, Rocks: High; Trees, Plants, Grass: Medium; OLD: 200; V. Clouds: Ultra; Texture Res: Medium; AF: 4x; Water: Medium; RayTracing: On; SM: 2048; TS: 512; CS: High; WE: Medium, AO: High; CR: 256; RR: Medium; LS: High; DoF, MB: Off, GCRR: High; CQ, TAQ, AT, RT, ST: Medium, Fauna: High.


Hard to say - I switched to DLSS4 and initially everything was much better… then near the end of my flight audio cut out, stutter happened and things got bad. Several issues - filing specific bug reports but I think being required to turn on landing lights in clouds and rain caused way too much load on graphics.

Strange huh?
In my case, when this happens, getting out of VR fixes it sometimes. Others doesn’t.
It’s weird and I’ve only starting seen this behavior since Beta 1.
The crazy part, is that not only the P cores, even the E cores are maxed out, 100% usage. This is absolutely unusual.
No other game or app in my system displays any similar behavior.

My uneducated bet, some CPU bug introduced since Beta 1.

But what do I know…

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I have been having this in VR since 2024 was released. I can look in one direction and get 50fps, and then look in the other direction and get 20 fps


Also, same CTD since day one, and same DXGI error since FS2020.
They seem to alternate somehow.
Nothing new here.

While I have lost a few frames with latest beta, VR image is good and by reducing sim graphics settings can push my 3090 to get an acceptable 20-25 FPS on a PCL. Image is clear and if not close to ground then reasonably smooth. Sure LOD is poor but must accept 3090 is doing its best. Time to upgrade GPU I think.

New type of CTD here with message:

Error:S_OK (0x0)

This error could be due to either of:

  • a driver fault (new driver)
  • an application bug, (you said it rookie!)
  • graphics card overheating (I doubt my card overheats at 50C)
  • graphics card overclocking (wait, what? Let me add more maybes)
  • the earth’s rotation not in sync with the community folder
  • trump’s presidency
  • Nutella not being cold enough

please feel free to add your own guesses.

So yeah, what about that Error S_OK?
I’m unable to finish any mission today because of this crash.


I’m also seeing these severe drops in fps which have not been an issue prior to SU1. VR was performing really well on my ancient 10700K+6900XT system prior to SU1 but is really disappointing with SU1.

Not using DLSS 4 yet. FPS is pretty good. Getting stutters when moving my head too fast. I know I know, Simon and Garfunkle sang about it. "Slow down, you move too fast, you’ve got to make the moment last ’

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Same problem here!

Be aware that there is a bug in the quest ptc v74 that causes stuttering when using virtual desktop

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i have terrible stutters . hmm didn t thing about the quest firmware … should i be aware?

Yes…if you are on ptc 74

And fixed?

Very poor is the vote, with DLSS in performance and other external trick-software is already acceptable and enjoyable, but DLSS etc. is not FS24 software.

We need in VR all type of resources like this and more, thanks:

VR Performance in 2024 is bad compared to 2020. It seems like it is a memory leak, because it gets worse after some time.

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loading times improved big time in su1. Really noticeable