I tested the new release right now, it was completely without any bugs at all , I was so excited flying my passenger transport mission (~350 NM, Boeing 737 MAX8).
But also the Graphics, as well as the FPS just blowed nearly my head off, where I was right before again used to the public build.
So it was great ! Really!
But … you can guess, by getting the “1000 ft callout” while on my best ILS Approach I ever had with FS24, I wanted to switch to external view. And there it was, the CTD.
Made me ragequit … so ragequitting the console I mean, since yeah obviously, I wasnt able to ragequit the sim, since even this last revenge was just took away from me
-feedback also shared within the stability section, since its about both, performance and stability-
CTD issue is still there, I’ve found if I close the sim between flights and reload less CTDs
Im close to completing 3rd flight in a row without CTD
LOD looks great in PC24, but still lacking in Airliners.
Great to have mouse freelook back and FINALLY can choose time of day in career mode now and appreciate the day/night transitions
Overall a great improvement, except the CTDs of course they need to be sorted
crashes to desktop on xbox x on every flight. I’ve done freeflight and career. The crash happens at any given time. Can’t test beta when I can’t even get one flight in. Game looks better and is nice with mouse freelook working but overall in worse shape as I can’t even get one flight in. Back to 2020
So is not it for me on Series X. While it performs great, that performance has come at the expense of stability loss and certain CTDs which are multi-determined for me. Leaving the beta until a future build addresses Xbox stability specifically. Cheers and peace out for now.
CTDs every single time in the beta. From a Cessna to a heavy aircraft. A Cessna in the middle of nowhere, with practically no scenery will crash. Last and current beta version are almost impossible to do a flight.
I experienced exactly the same, test all the things that would make me CTD in the previews update to hopefully pin point a cause. Taxi, external camera views, drone, free walk inside the plane. Tested drastic FL changes and all was going well until approach. Everything was going so well that I didn’t get my exact read outs of FL or actual distance. But definitely happen during approach to KSAN switching to external view. I wasn’t able to get this far in the previous update. Not sure if this was an improvement or CTD just happens randomly. I haven’t tried another flight since.
Sincere thanks to all of you trying out the latest beta update on Xbox and reporting your good and bad results in detail here! You’ve saved me and I’m sure many others a lot of frustration and time. I’ll jump on beta soon but not yet. The progress sounds promising.
Oh my! Just flew the 172 classic from KHSD to OK9 at 4000’ and the scenery was just stunning - the best I’ve seen so far in either 2024 or 2020. Performance was great too. A slight stutter at touchdown but otherwise very smooth. Popup was much reduced, even over densely populated areas. Over rural areas, it was completely unnoticeable. Photogrammetry was good.
I’m starting to get excited about 2024 again. Whatever you guys did in this update, keep it up!
All that said, I guess it was too much to ask for perfection. I was curious what NYC would look like, so after ending the flight I tried to select KTEB as a departure but as soon as I did, it froze at the following screen (which appears to be at OK9 where the previous flight ended).
Everything was frozen and I had to quit the sim from the dashboard. Never did get to see NYC. I will try again later.
I decided to brave up and give a try on Xbox X. Load time is vastly improved. Mouse free look is back!! Only flew one 40 minute free flight in Vision Jet and did not have any freezes or noticeable performance issues. All my previous controller bindings still worked and all systems I tried worked. AT, AP, NAV, VNAV, ILS were still working as expected. (I only mention because I saw on here somewhere a report that this was broken).
Too early to tell if I will have the same freezes and CTDs later as others have reported but so far so good. I am encouraged. Thanks for the update!
Look Asobo I dont know what you are testing or doing. The whole last week I had not a single one CTD and perfect fantastic graphics on Xbox. Since this new release of the new Beta not a single one flight without having a CTD. I dont understand this. The Graphics are again blurred and bad. So what is the reason of all these CTDs? Is it Server capacity or what? I mean again back to a beta undebelopped game it is hilarious…
Maybe I spoke too soon. Started a second flight in the same SF50 from the same airport. Hard CTD before I could even begin to take off. Memory leak that takes time to reach the crash point?
After resetting I’ll try another short flight. If all I have to do is restart between flights, along with the much improved startup time, maybe I’ll stick with this beta a little longer while the CTD gets sorted out.
Folks, please don’t forget to reflect your stability findings on the stability survey and report CTDs there so the teams have that all in one place for, thank you for helping out in beta.
Last update unless I observe a repeatable pattern to share. Completed a 45 minute flight (after reset from prior CTD) in the C172 G1000. No issues and several little details fixed like the plane icon on the MFD instead of a gray donut. Scenery may be better or just my imagination. I’m only doing free flight on Xbox X if that matters.
Not sure I can comment yet on overall stability. One CTD out of 3 flights feels worse than the current release but not enough experience to say for sure.
For the me same SU1 both releases on Xbox Series X
Any and all freelancer missions get to 3/4 of the way and crash to desktop… running on autopilot not touching any controls… ran same mission 3 times to be sure always at same point… then did 2 other missions… same thing about 3/4 of the way… career mode is unplayable on SU1… Please do not make it the forced public update if this is not fixed as it will be 100% unplayable
To fly airliners you are probably not wrong. But bear in mind that at the moment, in the beta the A20N and the A330 freighter variants are ok as well as the A310 but everything else is really stuttery, even on the series X. Hopefully the situation will improve enough that they do work on series S as well but it’s always going to be better on the X