Above was the last flight attempted in the previous beta release. With the exception of preset weather (High Clouds) in place of live weather, I just completed this flight in 1.3.10. The Titan looks terrific on the Block Island State tarmac which is nice as this is a handcrafted airport from one of the world updates. A great first flight in 1.3.10 and encouraging to me for both stability and performance. Onward and upward.
Still CTD here, only tried 1 flight though. Got no more patience than that, sorry. Going back to public retail again.
Anyways, thanks for patches, any patches is a plus. Good luck
Did you exit 24 after installing the update and reboot your Xbox? I find this necessary after any major update to avoid a random CTD. Either way, good luck and good flying!
I too am giving up with the beta and the public release for now. I had a CTD earlier literally 10 minutes into setting up a flight. It’s just too unstable right now. At the moment 2020 is everything that 24 wants to be and is a million times better. I’m thankful that at least I have the option of a working SIM to go back to, which we didn’t have the luxury of during 2020 betas.
At the end of the day, all I want to do is complete a flight in whatever aircraft I choose, without the risk of a CTD at any time. I also want to have a flight that doesn’t have continuous popping in and out of buildings and scenery when at an airport.
I’d really like to know how the developers made a SIM so visually poor, but performs so badly and unstable, especially when 2020 visually is so much better and hardly ever get a CTD these days.
I mean yes it’s nice to have mouse freelook working now, but what possible use is that to me when the SIM crashes at every opportunity!
Not there yet! I started planning another Free Flight with a CTD in the process. We may still have a regression where it is necessary to restart 24 between flights to avoid a CTD?
Free Flight from KSWF to KABE in the G58, preset weather high clouds, no traffic, completed as expected. Then planned KABE to KTEB also in the G58, same presets, and started the flight. Past KMMU I got distracted by the great looking scenery, paused the sim, and switched to the Showcase view and flew the drone camera down to take a closer look at something. That was asking too much of 24 and my curiosity was rewarded with a CTD.
This release seems to be no different than the last one where we get to fly for a while until the memory bug catches up with us and the sim crashes. Oh well, not really sure what to test next. The CTDs are hard to pin down to anything specific, they just happen after a while flying on Series X.
No matter what plane. Smallest to heaviest, there is always CTDs and a complete crash. Even flying where there is close to no scenery at all in a Cessna caravan. It is almost impossible to do a real flight in the current beta.
I opted back into the beta having opted out to be able to complete some flights.
20 minutes into a career mode flight in the Vision Jet. Graphics look super, especially after being back on the public build. Surprise, surprise, CTD after 20 minutes. At least it was sooner than I was getting them on the last beta build so I haven’t wasted as much time.
I don’t think I can keep banging my head against the brick wall of CTDs. I might see how long I get on a free flight in a more simple plane but otherwise I’m back to the public build, which is at least playable. If the beta crashed like 1 in 5 or maybe 1 in 3 I might keep at it. But it is a 100% crash rate. I haven’t completed a single flight in either of the two beta builds.
Still having CTDs, black screens, and low frame rate in the following planes (the entire 747 line up, 787, 737 max, and C17). And that gets worse at detailed airports like KLAX, KJFK. Performance on inibuilds planes is even better, other than that the beta feels like an step in the right direction.
Also tested right now, it was completely without any bugs at all , I was so excited flying my passenger transport mission (~350 NM, Boeing 737 MAX8).
But also the Graphics just blowed nearly my head off, where I was right before again used to the public build.
So it was great ! Really!
But … you can guess, by getting the “1000 ft callout” while on my best ILS Approach I ever had with FS24, I wanted to switch to external view. And there it was, the CTD.
Made me ragequit … so ragequitting the console I mean, since yeah obviously, I wasnt able to ragequit the sim, since even this last revenge was just took away from me
Restarted the Xbox before downloading, cleared the cache, restarted after beta installed.
Decided to do a small flight seeing mission to see if it crashed again but completed it. Tried to start VIP mission and had an endless circle whilst loading between the world map and hangar so closed the SIM, restarted it and this time I got into the same mission which was a 3 hour one. Completed it, almost unsuccessfully due to the mission being stuck not recognising I was on final so had to live pause about 300ft from the ground, resubmit the flight plan in the efb to kick it onto life then mash the quick reply and try to recover the plane before it crashed when unpausing it.
Then as I thought the CTD had been fixed, went into free flight, selected an airport to fly from and got a CTD on the map screen.
CTD after varying lengths of flight. Numerous routes on freeflight or career always lead to a CTD on Xbox x. How can I test SU1 when it won’t even complete one full flight.
Since the opening the beta constant ctd’s on Xbox after period of time basically unable to complete a career mode mission before the crash. Less stable in that regard then the current public build
After sleeping on it, agree is less stable than the public build. Since the CTDs are certain and multi-determined so far in SU1, I am going to return to the public build and 2020. There are lots of PC pilots testing SU1, so they will find what the teams are looking to test in this release. Hopefully SU2 will solve for VRAM defects and that will benefit the Xbox instance. Peace out.
There is nothing in the release notes to suggest they have fixed the CTD issue from the first beta release so I assume they are still working on it.
There is no way that they release an update that makes the sim unplayable 100% of the time for 100% or Xbox players. As buggy as the MSFS 2024 release was, it wasn’t unplayable on Xbox. Therefore I’m confident that the beta CTD issue will be resolved either in a later beta release (which would make the most sense) or for the final SU1 release.
True that. That said, they did post this stability survey for which suggests they are still tracking CTDs. Hopefully some relief later in SU1 beta, but this build is not likely to be CTD free for me. Cheers!
Three flights in career mode … all CTD after few minutes (two times in external view, one time when ‘focusing’ on terrain in cockpit) .
Reboot between flights, different locations, different planes (737 and ES-30).