[] SU1 Beta Survey - Stability (Xbox)

Maybe a zendesk help ticket?

I had this problem even before the beta came out. I solved it by uninstalling and reinstalling MSFS2024. Since itā€™s only a few GB, I didnā€™t investigate whether clearing just the cache would solve it.

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I heard on yesterdayā€™s Developer Livestream that a Rolling Cache of 16GB is the minimum. The recommendation was for 32-64GB. Why not try 32 and see if it improves your user experience and if not, only then try 64? Of course, how much free memory you have on your Xbox is a consideration. Cheers!

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My sense is that this is probably not the root cause of any instability you may be experiencing on Xbox in the current beta release. The root causes appear to be related to defective memory management in 24 and assets not yet sufficiently optimized for reliability in 24. They are working on these towards SU2 (and beyond perhaps).

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Right now, in the current beta release (and possibly future SU1 releases), that is the ticket!

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3hrs testing this afternoon in career mode and one free flight. Just one CTD.
Xbox Series X, PG Off, MP Off, Live ATC, Preset Weather (slight clouds), 32Gb RC.

Restarted Xbox at end of each mission or flight. CTD was when I launched the CPL test.(edit: exam)

Free flight was Just Flight F28. EGKk EGJJ. Funnily enough this aircraft was a bit of a resource hog in 2020 but runs nicely in 2024. Flight was smooth and completed well, no perceived differences in over water and over land flight peerformance. Terrain got a bit blurry once but the whole experience felt as stable as MSF2020 - bit of a surprise TBH. - I expected trouble!

As of last night, CTDs in the A400M preparing to takeoff at LSV, and the A330 on final approach (flight was from HKG-TPE). I have not tried any other flights. Both flights live weather and time. 64GB rolling cahce.

Iā€™ll add some feedback here, I hope Microsoft is reviewing comments, I voted on the poll above.

Iā€™m new to the flightsim community. I bought a series X digital a couple months ago. I saw tmartn2 on YouTube playing through MSFS2024, and I got hooked, especially on the 737max.

Iā€™ve jumped into the deep end since, watching and learning as much as possible (thanks a330 driver). Itā€™s been a blast learning about aviation and the aircraft. Iā€™ve got a simbrief subscription already. My wife jokes that it looks like Iā€™m working a job while Iā€™m studying the flight plan and googling what everything means.

Iā€™ve always had bugs and CTD, and I found this forum and excitedly installed 1.3.10, hoping for better stability. Iā€™ve upped my rolling cache from 16 to 64 and now 128, after listening to the dev stream yesterday.

The game is unplayable in free flight with the 737. It crashes at the gate while Iā€™m working on learning the fmc. Itā€™ll crash at cruise or in flight. I have no idea what causes it, but i canā€™t do anything longer than 45 minutes. Itā€™s completely unplayable. Iā€™ve tried force quitting the game, then starting a new session. Nothing works. On the bright side, Iā€™m getting good at starting the plane up, but Iā€™ve never made it to my destination gate. I rarely get to try and land.

Itā€™s going to ruin my enthusiasm for flight sim. Iā€™m not in a spot to drop 1k to get a decent computer (though Iā€™d love to). But Iā€™d really consider buying the deluxe plus edition to get the 787, and Iā€™d really look at buying a hotas. But with the state the game is in, Iā€™ll hold off.


Welcome aboard, and may I invite you to step out of the deep end? Actually, the passion in your post is impressive, so I hope you hang in there a while. Meanwhile, may I suggest making friends with the Dreamliner in the public release, outside of the beta until SU1 settles down? The 787 is working fine for me in 24 (although I havenā€™t flown it in the beta for obvious reasons) and in 2020. That said, if you are new to flying, there are a few other aircraft models with which to practice the basics, when you are ready to slow down and enjoy the scenery down low. Why not search out some of the 787-10 threads and have a read? Just a thought. Good flying!


Really need a new build and a good one. the forecasted date for SU1 is too close for another CTD build, they need to give us time to test

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First flight on 10.0 I took the A321 from Auckland (NZAA) to Fiji (NFFN) which was a 3 hour flight and the sim performed perfectly gate to gate. Parked, shut down, exited to menu, and quit the sim as normal. Is stability maybe improving in the background or did I just get lucky flying over ocean? Xbox series X


Question for some of the vets in here. Are typically the CTD under beta updates fixed by the time SU officially launches for the public? I donā€™t think I saw much discussion in developers live stream about this issue. I would presume this is a pretty big deal that Xbox users canā€™t really test the betas due to the amount of hoops some of have to jump through just to not get a CTD. I am consistently getting them, not even able to complete one flight. And I would think yes, but the fact that the beta has been out for couple of weeks now and still no progress on that end. It was making me wonderā€¦

Yes. The public release is largely CTD-free, so the release candidate can be as well.

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They have to polish it up, I canā€™t complete any flights either with 737 max, 128gig rolling cache. Thereā€™s no way this can ship to the public on Xbox.

While the question is quite simple, unfortunately it has many answers.

During a beta testing it is normal to find problems like CTDs, it is quite normal that in the first versions devs introduce changes that can increase them and in later versions (of the same beta) they are corrected or even rolled back.

Also, taking into account that this is the first SU, it would not be strange if the problem that causes CTDs is not solved and at most, only mitigated.

And finally, although the date of Feb 18 was indicated as the possible date for the release of SU1, they also made it clear that it is not set in stone and that if necessary, it could change.


I flew for apparently 5 hours today - a meandering flight from KSEZ to KBCE - refueling at least twice in mid air (because I can :slight_smile: ) and the sim ran fine and shut down fine and then I left the X Box on while I did something else for a few minutes and then I came back to quickly test a theory - loaded in at KORD, did the pre flight, got in the cockpit, started the plane and saw my theory had failed so I exited the sim and was greetd by

which I hadnā€™t seen in a week or more I dont think. I had hoped it was gone.
How the sim can work flawlessly for 5 hours but then fail after a quick few minutes of doing almost nothing is beyond me. Iā€™d love to report it as a bug but I know how that would go.

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CTD in L-39. Over 30 min flight.


Iā€™ve had this occasionally too. No obvious reasons at to when and why.

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Tried s couple of flights in the new Vision Jet in free flight.
Xbox Series X, 32Gb RC, Live ATC traffic on, preset weather, MP off, PG off.
Both CTD around 50 mins in - both times you could see it coming - sound dropped out momentarily first a couple of times, then disappeared for a second, avionics froze, then Wham - CTD


Another CTD today. A20N about 5 minutes after departure from Zurich. If it hadnā€™t of happened then I can guarantee it would have CTDd on descent. I really do hope this isnā€™t the release candidate. Oh well, back to 2020 again!

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