100 seconds to main menu

I started to get annoyed with running the simulator. It is toooo long. I do not understand why it is necessary to press the additional “ENTER” button in the middle of the download. The videos are already tired. I want it like in the old simulators. And get rid of all the pop-up tips for girls!

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You can disable the pop-ups in the assistance menu.

P.S. there are tons of girls who are better in piloting than you are.


Sure! They have hints that cover sensors that are unnecessary for piloting! :grin:
Disabling in the assistance menu does not affect tooltips in the cockpit!

Ah you mean the button descriptions. Those can’t be disabled yet.

I’ll take the 100 seconds of videos thank you. In P3D by the time I get everything loaded I’m looking at 6 minutes. Then I get to load the flight…

Well, there you can move away from the computer. And here you have to press the button a second time. Why two-stage loading?

Agree! They should remove the ‘press a button to start’ when starting the sim. And they should het rid of the ‘ready to fly’ intro before flying.(or whatever it’s called)

There’s no reason for it and just annoying. It takes some time to start the sim so sometimes o just want to open the app and get a cup of coffee in the meantime. Now i have to wait untill i can press the bloody button and then wait some more.

Edit: it’s the same with the ingame menu at the top. Looks nice the first time you use it, and changing the weather in real time is great. But for the rest. Just put a menu bar at the top that you can hide like it’s alway been and how it should be. Looks like microsoft is trying to be more ‘apple’. Looks great but works like Sh*t

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Totally agree. But it is almost nothing compared to all the bugs (Autopiot uselessness and ATC glitches for instance) that somehow got through all the testing. Months and months and NOBODY noticed you can’t do a successful IFR flight in an airliner? Were they that anxious to get it on the market that they let it be released that incomplete? I’m annoyed.

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I think this boooooooring “press a button to…” is relatetd to the upcoming xbox functionality. It has to be removed from PC instant because its an absolutely annoying useless unnecessary interruption.

How far away from the real world can developers be before they realize it?

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My first thought was that MSFS 2020 suffers from that perennial affliction: Overdesigned GUI-itis.

It is very pleasant, visually, but it seems a bit too ponderous. Luckily, you can circumvent a lot of its nonsense by changing a few settings in the options. The rest will doubtless be solved by modders in due course.