In reality, it’s 56’ tall at 1,370’ from the runway. But the runway is on a bit of a plateau above those fields. The touchdown zone elevation is 1,680’ MSL and the tower tops out at 1,666’, so the top of it should actually be below the runway height and a complete non-factor.
I’m not sure what the tower height is in the game (it looks about twice the actual height here), but food for thought: an airplane on a 3° glidepath to the threshold at ~1370’ away should be about 72’ above the runway. If you’re aiming for the second stripe, about where the PAPI are, you’d be at about 98’ above the runway at that location. And if you’re aiming for the 1000-footers you’d be at 124’ at that point.
It’s definitely there. It and the other towers on that line are visible in the aerial and they all exist in the obstruction database. It’s just not visible on your street view pic because of the rise next to the road and the valley it sits in to the east, on the other side of that. Head south into town and you’ll see the line as you get close to the water tower - it comes into town from the northeast, across those fields in question, then hits the substation to the east of the water tower on Road C. You can clearly see the pylon, its shadow, and that of several others along that line.
In fact, hit up street view at the intersection of the water tower and look NE, you can see the line in the distance as it cuts across the field with the center-pivot irrigator. The field in question is beyond that one and is not visible (again due to the fact it’s depressed in that river valley). Note that there’s a separate line coming in from the NW to the same substation in the foreground, which can be confusing.
The problem in the sim is the tower is too tall (by a factor of two or more) and/or the base elevations of that and/or the airport might be slightly incorrect. The bigger issue is the former.
By the way, when are we going to get water towers in the sim? That’s a surefire way to recognize towns all over the US.
Yes, and I think the sim is pretty much defaulting to those, when there are some pretty stark conflicts caused by the lack of pylon diversity (there’s a sentence I never thought I’d write). Not sure how hard it would be to implement multiple variations/sizes, but we can see it’s needed due to the conflicts it creates.