20.5 SDK doesn't have all the SDK

Hi Guys,

I’m having a big issue with the SDK’s. I just built a new computer rig and MSFS installed the 40th Anniversary edition by default, all well and good. However I’m getting back into development and the only version of the SDK that the sim allows me to download is 20.5 which is not the full SDK, it doesn’t have all the SDK software and only appears to be stuff that has changed. There’s no sample folder, no other tools. The SDK only has the following folders:

  • Licenses
  • Schemas
  • SimConnect SDK
  • Tools
  • WASM
  • version.txt

Is there a way to get access to previously released full SDK’s or will you provide a new SDK update that includes ALL of the SDK software and samples?

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They’ve always been two separate packages… if you don’t download it separately… you won’t see it!

Thanks I found it now, had been away from dev work for a couple of years so I was thrown off by the SDK update notice in dev mode, and re-discovered everything in the sim help menu.

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