20 FPS locked, high end pc, Quest2 Link, every settings, “limited by mainThread”

Hi everyone, in these days I’m trying to get the best performance on my system for running smooth in vr.
First my specs:
I9 9940x overclocked to 4.8ghz
2080Ti (with small overclock)
32gb ram, both system and all games file on SSD.
Quest2 with Link
VIRPIL complete setup with its own software running, joystick gremlin for mouse on throttle.
Latest driver for everything, win10 updated.

I can’t get more than 20FPS in every condition and every settings. At DAY1 i thought i had to run everything in LOW or disabled details, i was a bit concerned, considering my hardware… Then i turned on the developer mode and the FPS counter. I noticed i was “locked” to 20FPS. From everything to low and rendering resolution of 80%, I’ve started to raise everything, from render scale to clouds. At the end i get render resolution 110% and all from medium to high before having FPS lower than 20FPS. This is a “realistic” performance for an hardware like mine. I tried to play with every single parameter, even going in render resolution of 30% but nothing has changed, 20FPS (or lower if i go too high with render resolution or clouds on ultra).
I can’t understand why i can’t get more FPS in lower resolution and details. I noticed in debug tool it says to me “Limited by MainThread” when it locks to 20FPS. The cpu is not a poor cpu, and it’s overclocked from 3.3 to 4.8ghz…

It looks like the cpu can’t get the FPS more than 20 in every condition… anyone know how to solve it?

are you sure you have changed the graphics settings for VR and not for PC? In the Options/General/Graphics tab, the first field allows you to switch between the two and you will need to change the VR settings to impact on your VR experience.

Do you have Vsync ON and locked at 30 fps? In that case you will get exactly 20 fps, no matter what other display settings you choose.

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Something is smashing your CPU. How do you have openXR configured? Using oculus runtime or steamvr runtime?

I think it might be an issue with the Oculus VR headsets. I’ve tried everything that has been posted on here and it still looks like ■■■■. Gonna wait for a fix.

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Where do I deselect vsync? I haven’t seen it in the graphic option… nvidia control panel?

Unfortunately I bought the game on day1 on Microsoft store… so no steamvr… I turn on oculus software, enable link, then open MSFS as usual. When is on, enabling vr with cntr tab.

Yes of course… I was concerned because in low graphics is disgusting :blush:

If v-sync is the problem, go to Options, General, Graphics, line 6: V-SYNC. Select to OFF or leave it to ON but increase the frame lock to 60.

It’s not vsync… it was in PC graphics option, and it was disabled… I try to see if is on in nvidia control panel… any other suggestion?

I think you’re right… hope to get a fix asap from oculus :frowning:

I solved the problem! The issue is in the oculus software, under the Quest2 device settings.
I use to have the quality settings for the vr on 90Hz and full resolution (1.7x, i don’t remember the exact resolution, is something like 5700x…).
I tried to change from 90hz to the default 72hz and lower the resolution render to 1.0x and the FPS went correct to the maximum of 36. Sill have stuttering so it’s not 36 fixed but the FPS is ok.
BUT: “it’s horrible”. I have to say I’ve just tried it in few minutes… tonight I’ll make more tries. I’ve just tried the 1.0x resolution with the 72hz and it’s horrible, i can’t read the G1000, barely the airspeed and the altitude, nothing on the MDF with the engine parameter, even raising the MSFS render scale to 150%. With 160 i could reach the same 20FPS i had with the previous setting but the quality are much much worse. With my 20FPS previous settings with oculus render scale to 1.7 (5700x…) the MDFs are perfectly readable on MSFS render scale of 100%.

I think the issue is related to the 90Hz, so i suppose with 72 and render scale to 1.7 i won’t have the 20FPS locked. Tonight I’ll try!

I think your right and 90hz does not run well at all for me on a 3080 and 10900KF CPU.

After extensive trial and error I can get about 35 fps with in Cessna 152 with MSFS render at 100 and some other settings bumped up from VR default and steamvr SS at 200%. Still see that I am limited by main thread. Overall its decent, I wish things looked sharper outside the cockpit but it is usable and fun.

Running steam stable and oculus beta.

In oculus debug I have ASW and FOV stencil disabled / off and encoded bitrate at 300.

In nvidia I set vertical sync to fast.

I can confirm the issue is related to 90hz option of the Oculus link options. I tried with the “recommended” 72hz with 1.5 render scale (5407x27… and something) and it works well. It’s no more limited to 20FPS, and lowering the MSFS settings i can achieve all the FPS i need, till the magic number of 36.
Anyway, remember that SS in oculus software works much much better than MSFS SS. I tried Oculus SS to 1.0x and MSFS render scale of 150% but is much much worse than Oculus SS 1.5x and MSFS scale of 100%. And it “cost” less FPS.

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I just made a post about this… but dump the Oculus link and go with virtual desktop. I was also capped at 22fps and limited by main thread.

Now I can run 37-42fps and no issues.

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I couldn’t get the 2080Ti and Oculus Quest 1 above 20fps on any settings - What nvidia driver are you using? When I rolled back to 457.30 it started going over 20fps ?

While makin some tries i rolled back to 446.12 (it was .12?, the driver released on 5th may 2020). I’m still using that one… i haven’t tried with the latest.

Wow. Incredible performance on virtual destkop! Maybe because it’s not super sampling the image… I’ll try this afternoon :slight_smile:

how did you get virtual desktop work? mine says in msfs “couldn’t find headset”.
Running microsoft store version… so i open virtual destkop and start MSFS application.

@Panph90 @proxlamuz thanks for updates. Are you all using steam version of MSFS and if so any SS in steamvr?

Also how is your FPS in faster / bigger planes? The 152 and 172 are good for me but jumping up to the jets is terrible.

I’m fine with all aircrafts. With jets i lose a bunch of fps, from 3 to 6. I’m using the microsoft store version, SS in oculus software, render resolution of 5407x2370 (or whatever it is). In MSFS render resolution 100% or if i prefer having 5 fps more 90%.

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