I wondered if there was like an annual awards of the best addon in each category. Couldn’t find anything - might be a bit late but if anybody has the energy and creativity to run one, it would certainly be interesting. Could have the overall best addon, then aircraft, scenery, utilities, both in payware and freeware.
I honestly don’t know if there are that may 3rd party addons that are worthy of an ‘award’!
For some reason the forum wouldn’t let me create a new topic in any of the forums other than general discussion. Also, this isn’t a ‘utilities’ specific discussion, it’s broader and applies to all 3rd party addons (per my post)
This is the most General of Third Party subforums.
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I like the idea. However, with the sheer number of addons out there - Freeware and Payware (currently about 25.000) - and also the different regions and tastes, you’d need many many cathegories:
Something like
- best freeware international airport North America
- best payware regional airport Europe
- best freeware regional airport Oceania
- best payware airliner
- best freeware warbird
- best payware GA plane
- best freeware utility
- best payware city landmark Asia
In essence I found most freeware addons to be quite decent and with airports being a matter of regional taste I keep many just because they are better than default even though they are not exceptional.
In general the most exceptional freeware addons are those with the most downloads but especialky among smaller airfields there are always some hidden gems people don’t notice because they are not well-known enough 
With payware there should be the following two cathegories:
- worst rip-off aircraft
- worst rip-off scenery
Would like to enter a few candidates there…
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Thanks for your input. I agree. But let’s keep it simple!
Also, there is enough negativity on these forums already. Probably don’t need to have rip-off “cathegories”