2024 Career Mode

Soooo tired of hearing “we forgot to put the gear up captain and that’s a problem”… when I putting the gear down to land…“you know?” ugh


The game crash all time and then go back to the desktop Xbox

Why set a Headquarters if you never fly in/out of that airport.
I thought everything would “happen” around the Headquarters.

HQ should be the main place people contact you “for hire”.

EVERY mission in Career mode is from one random airport to another random airport. Most airports are private airports in the boonies.

There are too many AI generated airplanes and lines people at these small private airports? The last airport I departed was so rocky, none of those jets would even go there. They make taxiing unreal, as they are parked too close and no way to get through without going through them.

WHY do the missions violate VFR and IFR flight rules?
Just one basic rule: East bound track course (from 000 to 179 degrees heading) you fly Odd thousands + 500 feet for VFR.
West bound track course (from 180 to 359 degrees heading) you fly Even thousands + 500 feet for VFR.

Plan is to Always fly with minimal fuel? One flight I forgot to add fuel and almost ran out. The C-172 was at min fuel when I landed. Only 2.5 Gal per tank.

While I am on Stupid: Runways 32L (said three two L) or 32R (said three two R) ARE pronounced three two left and three two Right.

Why is the Logbook basackwards? I just finished getting my turbo prop certification “Cessna 208B Grand Caravan EX” at 2:15PM Local time. When sorting by date and/or time, it is the TOP entry for the day and the time is ??? Flown in Switzerland LSZR.
The bottom entry was actually flown last night from 10:09PM local time to 12:16 AM. Theses times are Eastern Standard Time or local time? I can’t tell.


I’m testing beta. The second beta appears better than all prior, but still needs work.

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It really does feel like career mode was an afterthought, even though it’s actually the USP why you would choose it over 2020.

I’ve still no idea why sometimes my VIP customers are happy and sometimes not, or why it occasionally deems i didn’t respect the condition of the aircraft.

You’re right about airport choices. I seem to get a lot of glider airports, military airports or disused airfields. Often with random military jets. I took off from a rural airport in Thailand yesterday that was a tight take off for the 172, yet there was an F-18 sat on the apron.

Then you have the cross gender co-pilots, or staff. Female voice and avatar saying hi my name is Dave.

When Microsoft has access to advanced LLM’s I don’t understand how the speech in game can be so bad and wooden. Same goes for flight generation. It can’t be that difficult to work out what would be suitable destinations and arrival points for different flight types. I have a Cirrus Vision Jet sat in the UAE doing nothing because in FS world there are no VIP’s in the Middle East.

I really expected career mode to be engaging and challenging but in truth, at the moment, its more like an untested random flight generator with an unfathomable score/rating system.

I don’t expect things to be perfect upon release but it really doesn’t feel like many hours were spent testing the sims USP at all. There are so many unique flying adventures out there in the real world, so many careers and stories to tell and they seem to have missed the mark with most of them.I probably have 1 flight in 10 in career mode that’s actually challenging and enjoyable.


Yep the career mode feels tacky has just enough rules that take away freedom. The missions generator is so poor, they promote exploring the planet but there are islands with airports that either have no missions or have a mission to fly into, but not out of the island, so u get stuck there and forced to use the teleport. Every single airport should have missions. If its just going to be a random missions generator, let us create our own. As company owner I should choose the routes

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Did you watch bank angle and climb/descent rate? It seems this affects customer satisfaction and may also be a factor for aircraft condition. Had one time where I got called out by my customer because I made a steep turn after miscalculating remaining distance to the mountains while turning around in a valley and also got points deducted from satisfaction.

Yeah, the obsessions with military bases is a bit odd. It feels like career mode is actively avoiding well known airports in favour of lesser know ones, in trying to be clever it is failing to be interesting and enjoyable. Flying to lesser known airports would be great if they made sense or if they weren’t to the same places.
I have 6 charter missions available that all fly to EHVK - a Dutch military base. Ok, one would be fine, and then let me fly somewhere else to explore some new places. Actually 10 of my available charter missions fly to only two airports, 6 to EHVK and 4 to another in the Alps, I can’t remember which it is though.
All for people close to one of our best clients who booked the flight. I guess a strange rich shadowy figure is booking all these flights to a Dutch military base. I wonder what dastardly things they are up to that I am now an accomplice to.


I’ve had that one, but you know when they’re unhappy with your manoeuvres because they say “what’s going on” or “I don’t like this”.

But you can still lose customer satisfaction even when you fully nail the instrument approach and grease the landing.

they only say that if you’re upside down or about to hit the ground. they don’t give any warning for the 30 degree banks which the AP will happily pull in order to aggressively acquire the magenta line, but which severely ding your score.

Many aircraft will sometimes have a Low Bank mode that should limit it to about 20 degrees of bank. The 737 has a more granular selector dial to control the max bank angle.

The one thing i’m waiting for before going back in there is Airbus and the ATR aircraft being usable in Career Mode.

Those 2 not being usable annoy the hell out of me right now


Lolol yup love that

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as has been posted elsewhere, the bank limiter doesn’t work. of course.

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This may very well be aircraft specific but every aircraft I have flow with a blank limiter works perfectly. They don’t always show that its active, but you can see that it is no longer going all the way to 30 degrees.

It seems most copilots are transgender

Why do we have Time and Day window if all the missions are set to a specific time?

There are way too many missions from random, private airfields. Most have been closed where there is an X on the runway.

When selecting a Headquarters, I was expecting to have most all my missions from that airport. IRL, most people would go to those bigger airports to get charter or other types of flights. Delivering an airplane that has been repaired will not be from an airfield that does not have a repair facility.

A good resource (that I use) is SkyVector in the USA. Selecting an airport (or right-click) will give you specifics about the airport. They show you what services are available:

Services Available

Fuel: NONE
Transient Storage: Tiedowns
Airframe Repair: NONE
Engine Repair: NONE
Bottled Oxygen: NONE
Bulk Oxygen: NONE

Services Available

Fuel: 100LL (blue), Jet-A
Transient Storage: Hangars,Tiedowns
Airframe Repair: MAJOR
Engine Repair: MAJOR
Bottled Oxygen: LOW
Bulk Oxygen: HIGH

In the beta and SU1 that time of day slider actually works, so we can chose when we depart, the missions times change according to that slider


Is anyone on SU1 beta and noticed suddenly there’s no payout? I only have one day to base it on, but I flew a few flights yesterday (more than 24 hrs ago) and I still haven’t received a payout. I’ve not been using career for a few weeks, so I might have missed something crucial?

Indeed. Lots of closed runways and and military bases get used. When originally setting my HQ I couldn’t select my local airport, only the RAF base 10 miles away. Gliding centres with tiny runways also seem to be popular destinations for VIP Charters