26 hours decompressing fs-base-ingamepanels-objectives-01.23.fspackage

I don’t know about you but 26 hours straight to decompress a file seems excessive. Any one have any suggestions? (Be nice to AbsoboandM$, I really like the program when it is running).

I’ve tried all the usual suggestions. Started/stopped/started, admin, netlimit,reinstalled Windoze… Guess I’ll start at the top and repeat everything.

Assuming u have a pc with the right specs… I would reinstall windows, then reinstall msfs2002 …

Here’s a screen shot of the resource manager. Not sure if this is normal or not. In Linux, I would certainly question if this is normal. But this is not Linux.

Thanks Wim. Just resintalled Windows (Win10 Home) followed by reinstall of fs. Anyone elese have any thoughts?

That’s a crazy bottleneck!

Maybe try switching servers? Something’s not working and playing well… it’s got to be a network issue. Does your service provider intentionally slow data streams that appear to be torrents? Some ISPs can be sneaky that way…

What is your normal downoad speed?

Check out the Onestore folder. Sort the files by date. Delete the 2 or 3 most recent files then restart the game. MSFS will restart your download. I had the same issue during several reinstalls due to CTDs.

77T: Thank you. Here in the wilderness of Montana, I pay for 20 Mbit/s down. Usually it’s pretty close to that if I can keep my wife off the net. Never any trouble downloading torrents, used them alot for my Linux machines. Anyway, good suggestion: I’m now connected through my VPN to Seattle. I’ll see if that helps. I’ve tried the VPN trick in the past without success.

Rcrider617: Deleted the top two files in Store which happened to be of the form fs-base-ingamepanels-objectives###. There were several similar which I did not delete. For just a little bit, The Install Manager looked like it was running again. I think it’s stalled again. I think I’ll try deleting all the fs-base-ingamepanels-objectives###. files and see what happens. Thank you.
[Edit:] Interesting: The white bar at the bottom of the Installation Manager window, (Is this their idea of a progress bar?) shows 4.56 KiB in it’s center and at the end of the bar also. FS.exe appears to be sending and receving a few hundred B/sec so I’ll let it run for an hour or so.

So after an hour or so, Installation Manager is still showing 4.56KIB. Resource Monitor was normal and showing I am connected via VPN. Going to try deleting more Store files especially all theingamepanels-objectives

30 Minutes later. Deleted all the objective files and restarted. Store folder now has a series of files fs-base-ingamepanels-objectives-0.1.26.fspatch through 0.1.71.fspatch and ONE only package file fs-base-ingamepanels-objectives-0.1.23.fspackage which I guess Installation Manager is chewing on. Sez Decompressing the same and data is going back and forth from FlightSimulator.exe. Guess I’ll let it run for a while.

Interesting: 45 Files appeared in Store folder after I deleted and restarted. They total 68.6 KB which matches what I see on the bar thingy in Installation Manager (It reads 68.64 KIB in the middle of the bar and 68.64 KIB just to the right of the bar).

Several Hours later. I give up. Still stuck Decompressing or DL or something…Certainly not enjoying this at all.

You are just stuck in a DL loop, like most of us. There is a fix on the Microsoft site, although the last update I still had to restart the sim like 4 times. Don’t wait that long, it is not normal. Took me 2 hours to get through it.

FutureFlyer828: > There is a fix on the Microsoft site

Is that the M$ site we all love: microsoft.com? If not could you please be more specific. Thank you.


The disable windows autotuning worked for me, but I think I had to do it each time. I also still had to watch the download and exit and restart a number of times. Don’t wait that long next time, there is something wrong with it. Try exiting and restarting. Can take a number of times. The fact they have not fixed these issues is wild… really annoying.

Thanks FutureFlyer828: Ran the command but the installer stalled shortly after starting at the decompressing step shown previously above. So no help, alas. I did shut down and restart of the installer three times.

I did notice that flight simulator makes about 30 443 TCP connections to various IPs. That’s surely wrong but might be helpful to Absobo if they get around to looking into this.

Wonder what would happen if I delete all the files in Store. Can’t hurt as I am gettig no where.

Edit: Cleared out the OneStore directory by using file explorer delete. Restarted the “installer” which ran over night. 25 files were installed to OneStore before the installer hung up on one of the icao* packages. I’m thinking I might try to uninstall what ever I have todate and then format my 2020 D drive and give it one more try.

I’m not sure I am qualified to lecture M$/Absobo on downloader protocol but they might take a lesson from X-Plane. X-Plane’s installer runs on the local PC by creating a file list with some sort of Checksum computed for each file included in X-Plane This file list and checksums are then compared with the master list at Laminar Resarch server. If there is a missing file, it is downloaded. If one is corrupted that file is renewed. If a local file is found to be changed, the installer asks whether you locally want to keep the file you modified, or have it over written with the default. Now this is time consuming but IMHO (Engineering degree from 1972) would to be superior to the current 2020 method.


Hmmm what kind of hard drive are you going to?

The drive I am attemting to install 2020 into is a 1 TB SSD. Samsung I think. Nothing else on it except what Absobo put there. This shows up as the D: drive. C: drive has nothing but OS stuff. Win10 Home which I just reinstalled a few days ago. From what I read, installing 2020 to a separate SSD is legal and supported. When I started the install to D:, the D: drive was newly formatted NTFS (sp?) .

Interesting… should be no problems. Frustrating!