I have 3 kt wind everywhere no matter what altitude
weather depiction doesn’t seem to work at all for winds
Weather hs gone down across the board I think. RWW has not been working in my sim for three flights now. Worked fine this morning though.
This is a bug. Should be reported on Zendesk.
Yep same and is it me or the 3 cloud layers are always “few clouds” ?
They MUST know about all this. Clearly this would have been reported. Leads me to suggest they just dont FIX anything.
Same thing happening to me right now. This is what it shows on the screen but never goes over 3 knots in flight.
I did a flight in Europe (LOWW - LOWI) and the real weather selection led to my having 30-ish knots at FL190.
When I fly in the US my upper winds will remain at 3 knots, like you mentioned.
Maybe location has something to do with this?
For me live weather only works at the first flight after startup. If I wont to do
a second flight I completely have to restart MSFS.