I know, a number of 3rd party developers read these forums. Just putting it out there that we really really need a good rendition of KMKE for the new sim. Milwaukee has never really gotten any love in the FS World. With Milwaukee having photogrammetry, the airport needs some love. Over the years, MKE has been a hub for both Republic & Midwest Express. More recently, it served/serves as a focus city for AirTran followed by Southwest. It has both cargo ops, airline ops, military ops, and GA hangars. The airport has two sets of parallel runways and a fifth crosswind runway. The approach over the lake is beautiful. Overall, this would be a wonderful airport to see in the sim. Simmers have been asking for it in threads on various forums for years. If a good developer sees this, please make it a reality. I for one, would be a day one purchaser.
Found this for you. I bought kgrr Grand Rapids on the other side of the pond . https://secure.simmarket.com/fsxcenery-kmke-milwaukee-international-airport-msfs.phtml
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