3rd party live traffic

Hello. Could someone please tell me if there are any developers making a live traffic addon for msfs? I had ultimate traffic live for fsx and was pretty happy with that.
Maybe someone knows what the msfs developers are saying regarding live traffic and their plans for it?
Thanks for answers.


I found this on here and I hope something comes out soon. Its nice to see other traffic in the Sim. I looked around and could not find anything yet…


Has anyone tried this new addon? LATINVFR - AIRPORT STATIC AIRCRAFT FOR ASOBO AIRPORTS MSFS? Looks promising but only at limited airports.

I believe that LATINVFR - AIRPORT STATIC AIRCRAFT is only place holder aircraft.It is not live moving traffic.

Could someone help me point me to a development video or somewhere else where they explain the AI traffic or the lack of it? Its a year since release and would think they would make the AI traffic on par with the old fsx. Help would be much appreciated. Would be a major bummer to find out it is my own chosen settings that gives me this “dead” world I fly in.

Thank you for this. I will keep a keen eye on this one. I have never heard of them before.

Aerosoft is in the beta testing for “simple traffic” which looks really promising. I am also really looking forward to a good traffic addon. For now Im using ivao altitude for live traffic but its a compromise

What is promising about that? It uses the same low budget Asobo generic models with a different livery.