4 years in and pretty much zero improvements to clouds

It’s interesting isn’t how some don’t see these. I see them a lot and I see them when I watch the ‘popular’ streamers, youtube vids etc.

It could be due to the auto-exposure/eye adaptation issues that the sim has.

No HDR in Windows or in Sim.
TLOD 400 OLOD 200
No Filters

Very strange!

Upscaling or frame generation? Type of anti aliasing?

Native Frame Generation with 4090 and TAA.

The thing about clouds is they are a chaotic system.
There are different types, as Meteorologists have classified.

Being a chaotic system, we get what we get.
There are no expectations of what a cloud looks like.

Some clouds look like mushrooms. They are predictable. All others not.

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And absolutely nothing about clouds or weather in the stream.

Complete joke.


It’s beyond a joke at this point.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, they do not care.

At this point it’s just an arcade game. Their priorities now will be getting it to the other console market to make more profit.


what if the surprise updates were a new weather engine?!? …no I don’t think I’m just dreaming…

Of course, as a shareholder I want profits. Most corporations work towards that goal as well. More profits mean more investment. That’s the only reason we have 2024 to begin with. Without profit it would be shut down.

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Correct, imho they should have never released this “sim” for xbox. As it’s clearly holding back what this sim could be capable of. As Pre SU5 proves. But I guess they just want the money rather than making the weather experience better than what it could be.


Might just make a big report for the state of the clouds. This is clearly a hot topic with over 1000 comments but absolutely nothing from the devs like feedback logged etc you get with the bug reports.

Has to be considered a major fault with the sim in my opinion, the clouds are so far behind other aspects of the sim visually it’s quite embarrassing.


I honestly wouldn’t waste your time and energy.

I’m reporting something I wrote in a similar post… I’m publishing it here because it’s the most active post…

“for me the situation is this… the clouds require a lot of work and the pixelation that you see (as well as the gray) is due to the lack of ray tracing… the ray marching they use is good but up to a certain point… to use ray tracing on clouds is very expensive on a PC level and it is not for everyone… imagine writing a new algorithm (I don’t think it’s difficult anymore) and creating new cloud shapes etc etc… everything is possible now but for example xbox wouldn’t be able to handle ray tracing on clouds… I expected a subdivision or an on/off button on ray tracing… I hope for a future but currently they don’t have the thought because there are more urgent things… I still think that they could have worked on it years ago… we are in 2025 and flight simulators are not yet next gen…”


By your comments I assume you are not in the Beta. Clouds are much improved.

They’re exactly the same


Must be related to your setup. In recent group flight in the Beta with the new DLSS added the consensus was they are much better now.

It’s not anything to do with setup or new DLSS. I see it on my PC on videos I watch, on the ‘famous’ streamers.

It’s purely placebo if people think a new DLSS, that makes no difference anyway, has improved the clouds.

Just one example of many, look how like halfway into the distance the clouds just go to an absolute mess. This is nothing to do with setup or settings or anything, it’s just how the sim renders the clouds very badly.

It’s like they added some kind of LOD to the clouds.


I’ve not seen anything like that in 2024 but I only look up at the clouds.