6/30/23 Mandatory Update Installed... VR wierd behavior; Unflyable

Sim was working beautifully in VR with my Reverb G2 until today after the mandatory update was installed. Now when I jump into VR (Ctrl-Tab) and center focus (Space), the cabin view jumps around and moves - even when I’m still and looking straight ahead. Then after a few seconds it jumps out of the aircraft and I am floating high above the airplane. If I hit space, I’m back in the cockpit for a few seconds, then back into floating above the plane. I cannot fly. Any ideas what might correct this? I’m tempted to just wipe and reinstall the sim from scratch. Haven’t had to do this in quite a few updates. I have nothing in the community folder and only run with content purchased/downloaded from the Sim store. Thanks for any suggestions.

Sounds like the G2’s tracking is playing up rather than the sim. Things like light reflections and room conditions (a lamp being on etc) can trick the ‘inside out’ tracking. It basically uses the cameras to work out where it is facing and gets confused.

Before doing anything with the sim, try starting up the WMR Portal app (the one that comes on when the headset is used) and do a ‘… See more / Settings / Environment / Clear environment data’ first.


Thanks. Oddly I noticed there is a newer Nvidia Driver 536.40 so I updated and that seemed to resolve the issue. But I thank you for the suggestion to clear environment data. I had not done that in a while. Thumbs Up. Thankfully no need to reinstall the SIM - A long and grueling process.

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Mine was doing that last night after the update. It would also “gray out”. The monitor displayed correctly, but the HMD view would just turn gray. When the screen cleared, the eyepoint was no longer in the correct position initially but would then jump back into place.

Additional Info - Since there have been several key updates in the last week including new Nvidia driver, new update to MSFS, etc. I had assumed something changed that caused my head tracking issues. Perhaps. Well I discovered that if I covered the 4 cameras in the G2 HMD while in the cockpit the problem mostly disappeared, though it introduced another odd behavior. So this seemed to be a Reverb G2 issue, not so much MSFS. I did a full setup of the Reverb in mixed reality portal, cleared environment data and that helped. But what really solved the issue was turning OFF the darned TV that is always ON when I’m flying. The right-side G2 camera was always pointed toward the TV screen and I think it was picking up movement on the TV and confusing the head tracking. I simply turned off the TV and all my issues disappeared. Oddly, I’ve been flying in MSFS with the Reverb G2 with the TV ON for over a year and never had the issue to this degree. Now I surmise that some of the minimal stuttering I was seeing in VR was this TV issue all along. Why it increased to the point I couldn’t fly in VR this past week is a mystery. I just didn’t realize that the environment around the G2 had that much impact on the VR behavior. Lesson learned.


Spoke too soon. After a while, the VR issues resumed and I cannot seem to resolve them. In total frustration, I uninstalled WMR so I could attempt a reinstall hoping that would resolve it. Well… now I can’t install WMR. It gets stuck at 60% in the downloading phase and hangs. This appears to be a very common problem. So now I’m going down that rat-hole. Something tells me I’m in for a Windows 11 rebuild. This has become far more trouble than its worth. Could be time for a different headset now that HP has decided to get out of the HMD market. What a waste. :frowning:

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Been a while since I posted in this thread. For other reasons, I reinstalled Win-11, reconfigured all software, reinstalled the Flight Sim, and still I can’t seem to get stable smooth head tracking in MSFS. If I reset the environment in WMR Portal and just go into the WMR Portal, turn on flashlight mode, Head tracking seems very smooth, stable; no issues. Then when I switch into VR in the sim, head tracking still drifts around, is very jerky, and difficult to fly. I simply can’t figure out a solution. I’m almost at wits end and ready to trash the G2. Still looking for answers, sadly.

If you have Win 11 and Reverb G2 which is constanlty making small movements, you may try this trick: Cover 2 of 4 G2 tracking cameras. Don’t ask why this should work, just give it a try.
You may also try the sensitivity dampening (I don’t remeber how this option is actually named, but you will find it)in the OpenXR toolkit.
You may also:

  • check if you don’t have any LEDs or fluorescent light in the room (try to turn them off),
  • cover or turn off you monitor (the image moving on screen my abe distracting the headset tracking),
  • eliminate any direct sunlight or strong light sources (also reflectyed by the mirrors), which my be blinding the G2 tracking camera,
  • make sure you have decent FPS, a least (bare mininum) 20.
    But start with the “copvering 2 cameras” trick.

Thanks. Will try this. FYI, my ceiling recessed lights over my gaming space ARE LED’s and I do see the exaggerated light flicker when using flashlight mode in WMR. I dim the lights until the flicker disappears and the tracking is smooth. Still I have head tracking issues in MSFS when in the cockpit and on the ground. Why it seems to subside once I’m in the air is a bit of a head-scratcher. Anyway, thanks for the suggestions. I’ll experiment. :slight_smile: