It’s criminal this wasn’t the first thing they fixed in the SU. While the problem may affect a small number of users (because so few have unlocked the 737 yet) it can be absolutely devastating if it happens early.
same here, happened to me 4 times today, landing gear got damaged
No, this does not only affect a small number of users. This does not only happen with the 737, it happens with every single aircraft you decide to use for the passenger transport missions. The Saab 340 and ES30 have this problem in addition to the 737, which is why this is such a big problem.
It’s a crying shame it hasn’t been fixed yet.
Yes, I get this fatal same error also it must be fixed. Carrer Freelance missions wit737 are impossible. Also fix the BUG that ATC does not respond to IFR clearance request with 737 in Freelance mode with 737.
The sim was released in November it’s now almost February. Whats going on here? why is it taking so long to fix this bug? It’s still present in the SU1 beta
Just got this error as well. It’s been a few weeks since I’ve seen it and thought it was resolved, but apparently not.
Same issue. It depends on airport. If the airport doesn’t provide traps or you don’t see technical cars near plane you will with 50% rate get this failure.
On Boeing 737 you should never skip before boarding all passengers.
Don’t skip to parking either.
Skip to taxi only breaks the gear for 1 million. Skip to parking cost me 60 million in damages.
It still exists 9 times out of 10 in the saab passenger missions too, I can never leave the ramp. Luckily its only $50-150k repair.
Why is this still just “feedback-logged” and not “bug-logged”, its been 3 months now?
Are you changing flight plan in EFB after accepting mission? I have done lots of fly with 737 in career as freelancer and, whenever I was changing flight plan to match with Simbrief, I was not able to do even start up procedure. Game automatically skipped to taxi and crash plain. But if I’m not changing anything in EFB and taking whatever ■■■■ plight plan and runway they giving to me, all works fine. This is annoying as generated by game flight plans, departures etc as very bad. The only solution i have found so far, accept what they want, request taxi, and then just change everything and after take-off cancel ATC. But if there is any other way, pls let me know.
I have this same issue and always drags my almost maximum “S” rating all the way down to minimum “B”. Refuses to let you load the aircraft or do any preflight. No instructions (like: press enter to board pax", etc), and if you use the chat window to bring up these menus, it crashes and fails, falsely accusing you of having left the stand.
Everything is a trap, intentionally setup to force you to fail. Ridiculous taxi routes, intentionally lengthened, forcing you to start from the furthest location to your takeoff runway, sometimes forcing you to cross a backtrack runway by putting the hold-short box at the end of a “taxiway-less” runway, and penalizing you as soon as you enter the runway. And if you decide to go on the grass to reach the hold-short, penalizes you for runway excursion. Forces you to make a U-turn after landing, to the exit on the runway threshold, even though there are several other exits in front of you, and then as you go said hold short box, forcing you again to taxi to the next 2 cities, just to do a taxi-speed “gotcha”.
Sometimes you need to press enter to request clearance, but when you do, it switches the radios forever, and your only option is to skip to taxi or get a penalty.
At the very time when you are hands-on on your controls (final moments before touchdown), the enter button to acknowledge instructions no longer works, forcing you to open the chat window and actually click with the mouse. But after touchdown, problem conveniently disappears.