737 Max throttle issue

Has anyone run into issues with the 737 throttle fluctuating rapidly?? I was at 5500 ft descending onto final approach and it seemed to have a mind if it’s own. A/T was not on and it didn’t seem to have anything to do with weather. I closed the sim and restarted hopped in again into another flight plan and the same thing is occurring basically seems like the engines are sputtering. I’d ask Zendesk but I know they have bigger fish to Fry at the moment

Do you have multiple hardware connected that have duplicate bindings to the throttle?

There where issues with the Fly By Wire A320 and the Asobo A320 last night. A group of us concluded it was a weather issue and not just Microsoft, Rex was affected too. It showed 22 degrees and daytime in the UK, even though it was 27 and midnight.

Maybe the developers are just trying to add realism :scream:

Check the deadzone for your throttle, should have it set for at least 5, or these kind of things will happen.

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Thanks I’ll give this a shot

It’s pretty close to real All they need to do now is have the screen blow the weather elements at faces while you fly :joy:

Yeah I remember seeing something about that. I should’ve tried another aircraft but I’m sure everyone was experiencing the same issue.

Just the Airbus edition thrustmaster officer pack nothing else is bonded to the throttle