I don’t know If this is a bug or I’m doing something wrong, but everytime the IRS is allgined, all the screens are turned off! This is the 4/5th time this happened and I don’t know why. Is this a problem on my side? Or there is something wrong?
Assume battery is on, and standby electrical system is in auto. If plane at RW all this is on, if cold and dark you have to turn it all on.
The tag says you’re on Xbox so this could also be your Xbox running out of video memory, which can happen at or near large airports, and when that happens the avionics blank out to avoid running out of memory. They should come back if you leave the area.
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If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the Community Support category. If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug Reporting category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.
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All issues caused by or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. Assure that no addons/mods are used when reporting issues in Bug Reports.
Thanks! This really helped
I have the same problem since 3 month but when my batteries turn off my auto throttle turn on definitely, So I can’t control my throttle on ground or during the approach.