A thank you to the FlyByWire team

I would like to thank the FBW team, as I’m sure many would, for the magnificent work that you have done on the A320NX mod, turning the default aircraft into something really worth flying.

I am only sorry that your excellent work gets trashed by Asobo every time they ‘fiddle’ with the aircraft. There last effort seems to have totally destroyed your hard work in the latest November 25th ‘world update’.

Obviously, that was not their intention; it was however the result.

I am sure that Asobo want this program to be a huge success - as do all of us, I think - and have said that they value the support of the FBW team and other third parties, which I am sure they do. Perhaps Asobo can find a way to work more closely with the FBW team.

Hopefully you can fix the mod but, if you cannot, know that many of us are grateful for the work you have put in.

Thank you.


Yes thank goodness for FBW. If only Asobo devs took the same standards as the FBW team does, FS2020 wouldnt be such a headache. For the $$ that is spent getting this sim it should provide a wayyyyyyy better experience that what has come forth.


Asobo was supposed to hire these guys from Flybywire. They are doing a much better job with the A320 than their own programmers. Too bad these updates are destroying the hard work of the guys at Flybywire.


I agree 100% and i would like also to thank FBW team, they made so far an incredible work.
My main question is how is possible a monster like Microsoft, a powerful professional gaming company like Asobo under the license and blessings from Airbus company couldn’t create a pro-study A320 aircraft. Possibly they didn’t want that, for many reasons.


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