[A319, A320, A321] Fenix High-Fidelity Aircraft

AFAIK only FSLTL models work, the injector does not.

Yes. I actually deleted all of the liveries and used the livery manager to download and install them all again. I also switched from 8K to 4K to help out with the VRAM situation. Another visual downgrade in FS24. :person_shrugging:

I also copied across some fs.to liveries.

My liveries are working but the type and livery selection in FS24 is a bit of a mess so finding what you want is not so easy.

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So switching to 4K in Fenix livery manager works for you? It does not for me anymore…

Works for me. There’s a settings switch to toggle (bottom of settings screen) and then they all list as 4K on the liveries screen. Maybe if your liveries installed already are 8K it doesn’t like that situation :man_shrugging: Maybe delete all 8K ones first and start over with 4K ones?


Interesting, as I never had problems with the PMDG in MSFS2020. Seemed to work just fine despite pausing the sim.

In FS2020 I always had an “old style” pause/unpause mapped in keyboard bindings - not active pause or esc pause or whatever the alternative was. It used to work fine in FS2020 for most situations. In FS2024 that style of pause doesn’t seem to exist any longer. Even with pause /unpause mapped like it previously was for me in 2020 the “old style” pause is gone, replaced by that zoomed out external view which is very annoying. One minute you are sitting in front of an instrument panel, maybe you want to pause the sim to check something in the cockpit, but now when you do that you end up in an external view 300ft behind the aircraft! The only positive is that an keyboard “unpause” brings me back into the cockpit (while sim is still paused) then another “unpause” starts the sim again. The downside is most aircraft I’ve tried this with don’t like pausing much and wobble about a fair bit before starting to settle down again. The Fenix as I described earlier lost it’s license and nose dived. These are things that did not happen previously in fs2020.

Thanks but I couldn’t switch it to 4K after a clean installation of Fenix with no liveries installed. The problem is it always flips the setting back to 8K when I leave the settings or close the livery manager. I’ll fill a support ticket…

But do you still have the fs2020 ones installed? Maybe it won’t let go of 8K until you have all those ones removed.

No, I don’t. I’ve reinstalled my system and installed MSFS2024 only. Maybe that’s the problem.

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Oh boy, in at the deep end with fs2024! Having said that I haven’t booted fs2020 in two weeks so I’m as good as switched over myself.

Yes maybe the installer remembers somehow what you had installed in 2020 linked to your user ID. Just guessing though as I would have thought that would have been stored locally and not on a cloud somewhere.

I do note that on their discord from Feb this year some users were reporting similar to what you are reporting, but even though it said 8K in the liver manager it was actually installing 4K liveries, so maybe worth checking in the install directory to see what res is there. A bug for some users I think. I did switch to 4K early on so maybe that is why I don’t see this issue.


I’m one of those users, lol. The thing is that I don’t think that claim about showing the wrong resolution is true because I tried to install one livery via the manager and it was 350 MB unpacked on my disk. That looks like 8K to me (I might be wrong though). Plus I always find the settings reverted back to 8K after I restart the livery manager. It was working fine when I still had MSFS2020 installed only, before the first Fenix 2024 compatibility update came.

Id make a ticket for that. But chances are they already know about it and will fix it relatively soon.

For now, most of these liveries in the manager are also on fs.to, from the same creators. Many times even with more liveries in “Packs” with more registration variants. And they mostly offer both, 4K / 8K.

So you could try your luck there :slight_smile:


Yeah, thanks but I use the livery manager because it’s very convenient. It’s just one button click. Of course I use some liveries from fs.to that are not available in the manager but I always try to prioritize the manager. I’ll fill the ticket and see. Thanks anyway.

Ok guys, I found a workaround. In the settings of the livery manager I had set a path to MSFS2024 Community folder only, so I also set MSFS2020 Community folder path to the same location and now I can finally install 4K liveries. So it just doesn’t work when you have MSFS2024 installed only and you don’t have a path to MSFS2020 Community folder set in the manager settings.


So what is controlling those aircraft in the sim? Or are they just static “scenery”?

I use them with BeyondATC, which injects them into the sim. But there are some more programs that can inject the models into the sim. I’m not sure if the internal MSFS2024 AI traffic can use the FSLTL models. One thing is clear, no external injector can control the internal MSFS2024 AI traffic models.

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Not really interested in Beyond ATC, I liked FSLTL since A - it was freeware and B - it worked nicely. I’ll have to poke around and see what else is out there that works for AI traffic. I really have no interest in operating in a sterile environment with no moving traffic or jets with MSFS’s annoying generic liveries. Huge immersion killer.

Like it or not, I’m fully committed to 2024. Got the Fenix fleet installed. How does one set up custom (passenger) views? Is it the same as the process in 2020 or something else?

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Nice to hear, I don’t plan to go back to MSFS2020 as well. It’s the same process but after a half day struggling with the default 2024 keyboard map I switched to MSFS2020 Transversal keyboard map and back to Alt + number keys for custom views etc.

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I switched my keyboard map to fs2020 profile from fs2024 profile control settings, which opens up the usual fs2020 keys for custom views, CTRL+1,2,3, ALT-CTRL+1,2,3. You can modify your views in there, but be sure to title it something pertinent to the Fenix, otherwise you will end up with a lot of keyboard profiles all with the same name which can get really confusing!