A320 and ATC buggy, IFR flights dont work

Tried to do an actual flight after mucking around a bit. From KBOS to KPVC (IFR). Took off fine, approaching KPVC the ATC told me to turn left 030, near north and didn’t say anything even when I was 20nm away from the airport. I had to manually do a teardrop turn alignment back on course, and after I landed (not the best), the autothrottle turned on out of nowhere and veered me off the runway into the beach!
What on earth is with airliner/proper IMC/IFR flights??

All of my IFR flights have ended up in buildings on approach (just running pure auto to show friends)

This is a forbidden subject! No one talks about it. I have zero night landings in my logbook because of the garbage ILS/ATC, etc. I’m hoping that this is fixed immediately.

I have done numerous IFR flights and auto lands with no issues. ATC sometimes you have to disregard but if you setup and IFR and approach it works splendidly. Sorry you’re having tough times.


Same here. I haven’t had an IFR flight fail on me yet besides minor issues that were very easy to work around, and that includes the A320, which literally lands itself if you let it do it (as it is correct).

Just completed an IFR flight from Cairo to Jerusalem on the Citation Longitude and it worked flawlessly with a lovely dusk landing.

I have a feeling that most of those who complain about IFR “not working” are simply doing it wrong.


ATC is indeed buggy. It works sometimes. You have two ways to do a proper IFR flight at this time especially when it comes to the descent.

1-Use arrival/approach charts and ensure you hit the different waypoints at the right speed and altitude.

2-If you are flying an airliner (maybe the jets as well) follow the altitude and speed instructions shown in the MCDU.

For both options above use v/s descent mode to more precisely manage your rate of descent. Once you are on an intercept course with the localizer hit you APPR butt. You should see LOC light up and G/S shortly thereafter if you are at or below the glide scope altitude.

Just gonna reply here; I took some time after making this post to actually learn about the a320 autopilot systems and FMC functionality. Went from KBOS to KJFK without a hitch, following an imported simbrief flight plan. ILS landing worked well. All systems fine.
I now realize I wasn’t operating the neo properly, and that the autopilot indeed works just fine.

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You mean arrival and approach charts that are in the sim?

The autopilot does function somewhat properly. It’s when it’s combined with the ATC that things don’t go so well. Like when you’re at 9000ft 1 mile from the airport. FSX ATC was basic, but you could find everything in the sim, including ILS frequencies on the nav map. You at least got vectored properly. Are you saying that the ATC in this sim vectors you properly? It doesn’t!

Just for fun, watch the AI try to do an approach, you get the same vectors when you fly.

Thank you.

No, I mean arrival and approach charts outside the sim. If you sur flying in the US you can get them from skyvector.com out with navigraph worldwide if you have a subscription. Europe also has a free charts repository, in just don’t remember the site.

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You can’t talk to the standard ATC after you abort your takeoff. Can you please fix that.

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I have been flying the updated A320 version being improved by a group of a guys and it is making a real difference to the aircraft. No issues at all with IFR over the past week. flying UK - Gran Canaria, UK- Innsbruk, Madrid -UK (Usually Gatwick) Never failed to pick up the ILS everytime.

ATC has been fine apart from the odd plane flying 20k above the alt cleared to lol.

Flight EDDF to EDDM with A320.
When started IFR Flight without takeoff-clearance, program crashed after takeoff.
When IFR flight terminated during flight, program crashed to desktop after IFR to VFR.