A320 causing game crash to desktop


When starting with A320, on runway ready for takeoff I notice most cockpit displays are off.

I press to start engine, sound crackles and it then cuts straight to desktop.

Load up again.

Select A320 again.

Same thing with displays, so I open vfr, open tower and open navlog. All fine, then try to start engine and boom, straight to desktop after sound crackles.

Restarted again, reduced graphics down, tried setting flight to high altitude airways, plan my flight, adjust fuel etc, go to start, same thing happens again.

Reloaded and chose a Cessna citation, works fine, chose a Cessna 172 works fine, chose 2 others and still work fine.

Back to A320, same thing happens again.

Can anyone help with this, really really frustrating.

I had exactly the same problem. Are you using the FBW mod, the latest Asobo update broke it, I updated the FBW mod to the latest stable version and everything was fine after that.

Can I ask what the FBW mod is please?

Sorry brain gone slow, yes I have that mod

Any idea how to update it, not to literate on a computer

It’s the fly by wire A320 mod if you do not know what it is then I assume you are not using it so that is not causing your problem.
Sorry can’t offer any other advice, but it might be worth downloading and installing it might solve your problem also it improves the A320 considerably.
Just do a search suggest A320 mod you will find it.

Delete the old File from your community folder and install the latest version I think it is version 5

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Great, thanks, it’s fixed it!