Does it works on your side? Just tried out to start the Airliner Training but got this message then
But in the Content Manager everything is installed
Does it works on your side? Just tried out to start the Airliner Training but got this message then
But in the Content Manager everything is installed
exactly the same with me, at first I thought it was MS liveries missing but then I downloaded them from the market place but still can’t access those trainings, no big deal but I would like to know why
Thank you for your response, I tried several times with delete and reinstall the files but no luck. But anyway, then I can stop to tried it longer
Remove A32NX Mod first then try again.
thanks! will give it a go
I should have knowned better of course it’s a default and not compatible with the mod
got it, thanx, that works.
I’m not using the FBW mod, however when I start this tutorial there’s no prompt to take off after the introductory dialogue. Just me or has anyone else got any further?
I thought it might be due to having all the assists turned off but even with those enabled I can’t progress.
I had a similar issue, but if you open the “Objectives” menu in-game you will notice there are a few steps to perform before you’re asked to takeoff, I think the first step is to look at the FMS to check your V speeds. The objectives menu will tell you what you need to do. I was able to finish both training missions without any issues.
Ah that sounds about right, have that turned off too. Thanks.
Thanks I was also stuck at this
I’m still stuck at the take-off training. I have objectives turned on. The first objective completed, but I can’t get the 2nd one. It is asking me to “Use [4] to check the PFD”, so I press 4. But nothing seems to be happening and I can’t figure out what I’m doing wrong. Does anyone have an idea?
It might refer to button number 4 on the controller and not the keyboard, try pressing that instead.
Thx, I’ll give that a try
Thanks, that helps!
A) why must the A32NX be removed?
B) How can it be removed?
C) I’m confused, about the A320NX… i taught it was the standard A320 NEO from MSFS itself?
D) i had serious problem post the update with the airbus, so i read on this forum that i had to go to the flybywire website and to install the A32NX STABLE version.
I just want the ORIGINAL AIRBUS A320 working from MSFS… is the FLYBYWIRE version then a non-standard add-on???
Don’t get the picture how the structure in MSFS is build up around the A320 NEO…
HELP is seriously welcome…
Same cant do a320 training no mods installed. Games just a piece of â– â– â– â–
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