A32NX and MS update

Hello all

After install the new update and reactivate teh a32nx, i came across with some

1 after push theapu start buttons and wait for it, the apu never come available.
2 The second fuel pump button of left tank, midle tank nad right tank, don’t work

Does any one have this issue too on A320 Neo?


Usually after the patch the 320 mod is broken. Have you downloaded the newest version of it? or are you using the same one you were using before the patch?


I’m using the veriosn from last week?

Can you kindly remeber the download page?

Sorry not off hand I downloaded the self-downloader the 1st time I dl’d the mod and now just run it when I want to use it.

Just search for A320nx and look for the github site, it will be there.


To install the new version i sould delete all files first right?

Or you could use the installer they distribute to download updates (which is great) so you don’t delete or move files manually

Yes in the community folder you’ll see the A320 mod just delete it then reinstall the new version.

But after you download the installer after MS update, what installation is better: development version or stable?


Can someone help me with this?

I have the last version of the A32NX I am stuck with the APU

-N% is at 0

-EGT is at °11 and flap open.

Same as rfsneo the APU wont start!

The stable version has been updated since the patch, and it works for me.

There’s no point in going for the developer version at the moment, unless you want to see what they’re working on next and you’re willing to risk the associated potential problems.

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Very strange I did try the stable and dev. version and no apu for me?

That is certainly odd.

I can get to these setting by just switching on the batteries, external power and APU Master switch - you must have done these as well to get to this situation. Also, you must have fuel or you wouldn’t see this screen.

But then, when I click on APU Start, both N% and EGT start moving up almost immediately.

So I can’t see what’s different that would cause this problem.

Does Ctrl-E (from cold start) start the APU as it does for me, or is that failing as well?

Dear, I have done the following, since after the patch installation, the A320NX was inoperative.
Delete the A320nx folder from Community. With the mod installer, I reinstalled the stable version and working everything again.
a greeting

I’ll give this a go, I have the same issue but what’s really interesting for me is that this APU problem exists even with the default A320, never had an issue up until this point. Anyways busy downloading FBW stable version now through the downloader, holding thumbs it works :wink:

Baffled me, still wouldn’t work after reinstall. Got it working eventually, had the UWA light mod installed for the A320, removed the mod, restarted sim and all is working again.

Ctrl-E works but this is the auto start engine function, I prefer the apu procedure.
Thanks for your help.

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