A32NX autopilot acting weird

after the latest patch… the autopilot of a320neo (I’m using the flybywire mod) started to act weirdly.
it doesn’t follow the route and starts to turn endlessly and sometimes bank very hard that the aircraft starts to nose dive…
this only happens when I start my flight from the gates, but starting from the runway the aircraft will fly normally

did anyone face the same problem?

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Seems like the same issue I was having with the default A320 after the USA update. I tried out the mod (latest dev version) and although it did follow the FP well on AP, it always banked left then right when I engaged the AP. I also always started at the gate.

Also, there are tons of other topics on here related to this same issue.

I used the latest update(V.4.02) of A32NX and started the flight from the runway. It is worse than the previous version cause it sways right -left and dives through climbing above 10.000 ft. Today i downloaded a latest update of Microsoft Flight simulator approximately 1.020MB. The default A320 still dives through climbing but at leat doesn’t sway.


In the A32NX, there is a simple workaround for the left/right swinging above FL110: Disable SEC1 at the overhead panel. I cannot say whether this works int the default one as well.

According to the commit messages, the issue has been fixed in the latest unstable build.

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Yes I had this exact same issue with the A320; I haven’t checked to see if this same issue is occurring with the other airliners.

I had the same issue when using the downlaoder. Downloaded manually the master file, installed and everything is fine now.

Thanks for telling me about turning off sec one that worked for me!!

@SidePancake3708 If you downloaded the master quite recently (less than 2 days ago), then you should have the fix already.

@Opgsuttonyt Good to hear that it is working for you as well!

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