The A32NX is not a separate aircraft. It overrides the default A320 aircraft. So as long as you can see the FlyByWire liveries in there. You should be good. You don’t have to use the FlyByWire livery to fly the A32NX mod. You can install any other liveries you want and as long as you don’t remove the A32NX mod from the community folder, you should be flying the modded aircraft already.
Ohh forgive me, I’ve been flying the A32NX since launch day… Looks like my answer is wrong. And since you didn’t tell me which part of my answer is wrong, then I must have my entire 5-month of experience flying the A32NX mod to be entirely wrong. I apologise…
Okay, I selected Liveries and there they were - thanks .
Reinstalled the lastest version via their ‘loader’ but however, every time I load the A32NX and wait for the splash screen to finish, FS2020 just closes down and I have to restart again. If I select another type of aircraft it loads correctly. I must say the default A320 is terrible - most buttons don’t work so I gave up.
I deleted A32NX from the Community folder but when I reloaded FS2020 and select the A320 liveries the A32NX liveries are still there. How do I get rid of them as I need to do a clean install again to see if that fixes my problem.
That’s odd. On my installation the FBW liveries are within the A32NX folder (SimObjects\Airplanes). Maybe some weird buffering? Have you tried selecting it to see if it actually works?
Hi Don,
back to basics…close the sim…
why do you say “fs- base- ingamepanels-custom” is “the Community folder”/
When looking to your first post it shows that FBW installed the A32NX in the correct place.
[1] Check with windows explorer if you can find this: (forget my addition -Stable-…)
If that is correct… dont touch!
[2] Go to the location where you read:… /fs- base- ingamepanels-custom/
this should be in location:
\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Official\OneStore
or if you have Steam
\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages\Official\Steam
If you find a folder there, called …\Community: look into the contents AND if there is any subfolder A32NX --> DELete.
Then Run the A32NX Downloader
Do not change the destination folder and hit Stable version
and verify the the result.
Start the sim; you should get the my picture from 23/12 9:53 PM
Let me know
You are always flying with the core content of …/asobo-aircraft-a320-neo/
except when there is a mod with inside the layout.json file an indication which specific files should be used by the mod’s content when selecting a (what is called in the Aircraft selection) LIVERY.
In case of a simple livery only texture mod, you are still flying the core content with simple modification of the aircraft.cfg, the model.cfg, the texture.cfg, and a bunch of dds-files and thumbnails.
In case of the A32NX there is much more to change (~500+ items) , but you are still flying the core with the advantage of all the changes that makes the a320-neo flyable.
…it is what it is…
Which brings back to my point the A32NX “overrides” the default A320. But maybe I didn’t make myself clear by what I meant by “Override”. It means the sim uses the files in the community folder instead of the core files. Everything still runs using the core files except the ones that is overridden by the files contained in the community folder, then that takes precedence.
I think you misunderstood with the term Overwriting, not overriding. Overwriting means to permanently replace the core files with the modded files in the core folder, which the A32NX doesn’t do. But overriding means it’s using a separate folder to temporarily use the modded files on top of the default core files, which it does.
But from the user point of view, when you install the mod, it’s not considered as a separate aircraft. Because it’s overriding the default A320. So as long as the A32NX mod is installed, the A320 that you’ll be flying is the modded version.
Nearly there as I now have flybywire A32NX loaded - looks great but…
No power to the ‘main instrument’ panel and on the overhead panel I can switch the batteries on, the APU Master Sw and Start lights on ON. Cannot turn on any Nr2 fuel pumps. It is the same display I was getting with the standard Asobo A320neo.
I assume I am missing something - any ideas please?
Did you spawn on the runway, or start at the gate?
What version of the mod did you use: stable, development, or CustomFBW?
If it is the stable version, try the development, it has been updated since this week’s patch, Im not sure if the stable version has been.