As the title says, I updated the dev version of the A32NX today, ILS runways into airports I frequently fly into will no longer show up in the MCDU. The course and freq are there, except for the runway. Entering the runway manually, prompt an “out of range message” in the scratchpad. Anyone else experiencing this or similar? Thanks in advance.
A32NX Latest dev version does not populate ILS Runways in MCDU- Cannot enter runways manually either
Emm. Post in their discord.
Just type in the frequency. It will accept that (and you don’t need to type in a leading slash). At least that was working for me. There was another checkin this afternoon–no idea if it fixed that issue–but always worth grabbing the latest bits.
Thanks man. I’ll try that.
typing in the frequency works
I second that.
Entering the frequency alone works. Landed in CYYC from KSEA, captured the glideslope no problem. I’m curious if it would’ve worked without entering it at all, as it is already entered. After all, it is the Dev version- I just prefer it to the stable release due to the new LEAP engine sounds- absolutely superb!
The guys are making changes 2 to 3 times a day on the DEV version. I check the updater about twice a day. There is bound to be a bug here and there, as they add new functionality to the NEO. The Flybywire team is on fire! I’ve seen payware not get that much attention and updates by their respective devs. Amazing work- good on you guys!
Did they fix yet?
I don’t think so. But now we have even bigger issues with the DEV version of the 32NX. Since the last Asobo Nov 24 patch the NEO is a dumpster fire now.
Actually a lot of new bugs in general with the sim have reared their ugly heads since the patch. Best stick with the STABLE version of the mod, if you want to get your NEO on. The stable version is not perfect either, but flyable… mostly.