AAU2 Beta: worse performance and odd white frame around MFDs in PMDG 737-800 and other aircraft

We have also logged the white box issue as soon as the first person mentioned it! All of it has been captured internally. Thanks!


Performance for me has increased significantly with the latest update. Incredibly smooth now, no frame drops where i was getting significant frame drops previously. Very happy indeed with this version and i have a very modest rig by todays standards R5 3600 / 2060 Super / 32G DDR4 3200

Yā€™all are releasing a new sim. Why bother at this point? F a beta.

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worse performance yes but only when flying the 787ā€¦ all other planes (for me that includes PMDG737, FBW320, Fenix320 and HW330) are fine but the 787 shows massive fps drops down to 1 but only every 20-30mins or so. no micjust flying OMAA to VTSP and just happened twice, strange that nobody else mentions this, so I am seemingly alone?


I had the white frames around the PFD in the non-beta a couple weeks ago (just switched to beta earlier today). IIRC it happened after switching back from drone mode to cockpit mode or after looking around with my xbox controller.

edit: the white box appears for me in the beta when I look around in the cockpit with my xbox controller and the white dot is over the pfd

I have cockpit interaction mode set to Legacy

Hi, here is how i can reproduce the white frame: when i circle between pilot positions, if my mouse cursor is on a instrument that can be windowed (even if it is hided), then the white frame appears.

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i see a 10-15fps difference from outside to inside view, the inside view being the worse one, and thereā€™s no significant difference which airplane i use.
Also i see the white dot and white frames around MFD, PFD, GTN750

same here

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I am not on beta, i thought it was intended. I had to adjust my created custom cameras so i dont see them often. I remember seeing them on other airplanes also, i always thought it was part of blue highlighting.

I just installed the latest beta version. I also have white frames on some screens of the PMDG 737 :smiling_face_with_tear: For the rest I havenā€™t really tested yet. The performances look the same.

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There was a white border around the screens after today update. The frame appears on the PMDG 737 and ATR screens


i got the same here, this bug made it to official release, not surprised really


Issue seen on Fenix A320 also


Updated this evening to the latest full release and can confirm that problem has appeared for the very first time. There is a massive white dot bang in the centre of the screen and jaggy low resolution white boxes appearing around displays on the PMDG 737. Did Asobo not test the PMDG aircraft given they say they can not replicate the issue? I dont even use a joystick nor hatswitch. I do use mouse and TrackIR. Whatever the purpose of this it seriously is preventing all use of the 737. White dots and frames flashing everywhere


I have this issue after the release of AAU2. It makes flying impossible to say the least. White dot, Square framesā€¦misplaced cursor/dialā€¦so any time I want to adjust my altitudeā€¦I can only lower itā€¦In my opinionā€¦Worse update yet.


How on earth is this rubbish still happening? Performance decreases, white dots, white frames. Why are you releasing this stuff if there are such widespread issues still present? Iā€™m sure majority of players would rather longer beta periods and slower updates if it meant that these things did not make it into the final releases. Itā€™s incredibly frustrating.

In a way Iā€™m happy there is a new sim coming so I hope they neglect updating MSFS 2020, because with every update they push comes new bugs and further waiting for fixes.


Maybe it was tied to ā€œFlight Sim Expoā€ and they decided to make sure they released this update by hook or by crook before Flight Sim Expo. Target date metā€¦ Beers all around.

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What makes you feel like the new Sim will be better???


It wonā€™t be, but maybe they will then neglect MSFS 2020 and we wonā€™t need to deal with them wrecking things so often :slight_smile:


haha! Good luck with that! :rofl:

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Yeah lower frame rates were definitely a problem in the beta for ms. Hopefully the full release isnā€™t like this. I havenā€™t gotten around to using it though since the release earlier today

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