Ability to completely save and restore flights

Please add the ability to completely save a flight as-is and resume the flight intact at a later time. The resumed flight should not require any user intervention to get back to where you left off. Weather, date/time, location, altitude, direction, throttle, autopilot, airplane and controller settings, everything, should be where it was at the time of saving the flight.

Moderators: please do not move this request to one of the bug reports about saving and loading. This request is for a more comprehensive/capable/usable flight restoration process than is currently available. What is requested here is not available in the current save/load function. A complete and effective “resume flight” function is needed, but not in the list of planned improvements.

When you save a flight it needs to be saved in the position where the aircraft was and cold and dark !! not in the runway of that airport and up and running.

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Adding to this: on Xbox, the EFB includes an option to save flt/pln files. In reality, only a pln file is saved and even that function doesn’t seem to work with missions.

Just one example of where this functionality would help:

MSFS-2024 has a great new feature to start anywhere in the world, on the ground cold-n-dark, ready to fly or in the air. For bush fliers, this means we are not restricted to always having to depart from airports, and we can land anywhere too.

However, since we have no way of saving the location of that landing spot at the end of a flight, it is incredibly hard to resume the flight at that location at a later date. Trying to find the exact spot where you landed last time on the World Map the next time you start the game is almost impossible.

Take, for example, the flight plan included in this post, where I’m trying to follow the 1933 route of Irina Burnaia, a Romanian aviatrix famous for her pioneer flights over her native Carpathians in the default Curtis Jenny (as I do not have a IAR-22 in my hangar)

Here is the flight plan:

Note that there are no airports along the route, and most - if not all -of those shown on the map probably did not exist in 1933.

Since this cannot be flown in the Curtiss Jenny either in one flight (too long), nor on one tank of gas (too far), I need to land at suitable spots in the Carpathian Mountains along the way at some of the waypoints shown. I can do this - here I’ve landed at an open clearing by Waypoint 1:

Now I exit the flight and close MSFS. The next time I fly, how do I find this clearing in the forest in the middle of no-where on the World Map?

Answer: I take my best guess, start the flight, and see where my aircraft shows in LittleNavMap. Then I immediately exit the flight, try to move to a closer spot, start the flight, and see where my aircraft shows in LittleNavMap. Repeat 5,6,7…10…12 times until I get back to where I left off yesterday.

Or I could have just loaded my saved flight - if that functionality was available.


In addition to the registration number, I would like the option to save the following in Free Flight:

  1. Aircraft location and orientation
  2. Aircraft systems, switches and consumables (fuel, oil etc).
  3. Aircraft damage/service status etc. if available

As I have no interest whatever in Career Mode or Challenges, it would be great if this were available in Free Flight.


In its current state, I’m guessing most MSFS 2024 users are restarting the simulator and flights a lot. As an add-on developer, I restart even more, often 10 times per hour.

Because the simulator doesn’t persist most flight options, I have to set the same long series of options almost every time I start a flight. It’d be a huge time saver if the following persisted:

  1. Livery and registration (in addition to aircraft)
  2. Airport + parking ramp (always the same for me)
  3. Flight conditions (weather, traffic, and multiplayer)

As a successful software developer myself, I’m often humbled when users explain how much of their time (and sanity) I can give them back by removing unecessary steps in the UX.

Thanks for listening.


The 747 keeps reverting back to all white for me :person_shrugging:

For the record, this request was merged from a separate wishlist item that is not the same as the original request…

The OP of this item is asking to be able to save a flight “as is” and then resume it later with the exact conditions intact.

My ask is to persist pre-flight preferences (not conditions) so we don’t have to constantly reset them (or worse, not realize they reverted to the default, requiring even more restarts).

The former is a larger ask requiring end-to-end condition saving. The latter requires persisting ~8 UI options.

Asobo Devs: Please don’t reject the latter request because it was mistakenly merged into the former. Thanks!


I agree, the ability to save and resume a flight would be a great feature.

The chances of this feature from FSX being restored are slim to none. There are over 3,000 open wish lists. 257 of them have over 100 votes. This one has 44 votes. This is out of over 1.5 million copies of MSFS sold.

Interesting quotes from Jorg Neumann per Flying Magazine review:

  • we had a Q&A session with Neumann, and a fellow flight sim journalist asked what was the most important action that he specifically took to make the project a reality. Neumann surprised many by answering, “Listening.”
  • He went further to share that such engagement fueled the creation of the mantra, “By the community, for the community.”
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Never happen.

We’ve been asking for this repeatedly since the launch of FS2020…

Nobody at MS/Asobo seems to care….


FYI, also see this bug topic (one of a number on the subject of saving flights):

the wishlist asking for this (among other things) has been closed? implemented in 2024 it says? what’s that about, am i missing something here?

This Wishlist topic (Ability to completely save and restore flights) is not closed. Can you provide a link to the topic you are referencing? - Thanks.

ah, i see what happened, it was a bug report not a wishlist

Until MSFS/Asobo implement this function, which I do not believe they will do any time soon, FStarter24 v2 can do the job.

this would be very useful in Career mode to deal with Game Crashes
Neofly (a 3rd party career app) uses a system if say Flight sim crashes, it will place you at the nearest airport to when the CTD occurred.

This works well , as you lose minimal progress