The home airport that I picked for career mode is a little inconvenient, as it’s a grass field with unclear taxiways, impacting the score negatively. Would love to change it. The only way I think it’s possible now, is by resetting career? If this is true, someone feel free to let me know.
But the ability to change home airport would be lovely!
Doesn’t really matter since all the missions minus the first 2 are never at your HQ.
Get through those first few, and you will maybe see your HQ if your lucky in the list of missions.
I can’t complete any missions without taking a hit for runway incursion without contacting ATC. Essentially my taxiway crosses runway 15 and then taxis on the other side of it until the hold short at the end of the runway. ATC doesn’t seem to recognize the first hold short so it never gives me the option to contact ATC at this point… my only option is to cross runway 15 to continue taxing and then get the negative score for runway incursion.
for instinct I started career near my hometown (Milan, Italy) but all the missions are in the nearby, I want instead take missions in Japan, it’s for this objective that I want change the headquarters location. Please add this funtionality!
When you start career - this is just a starting location - which always moves wherever your “avatar” is currently located.
There is no such thing as an actual headquarters in the game’s mechanics.
You people are voting on something that simply doesnt exist.
Also - to move only your avatar, just zoom all the way in on the map and right click on any airport to teleport your pilot there - which costs a little bit of credits, and is an easy way to unlock new airports.