Accurate 50-75kts wind around Japan

at FL330, it is the 50-75kts winds, the plane feeling bumpy and not yet the altitude gain/loss effect.
Will catch the 140+kts high winds above North Pacific Ocean later.


So although wind is correct in game, it’s not actually physically blowing plane around like a kite and making it rise or fall correct?

Just the pretend bumpiness movement that’s always happened in game?

That’s not what happens in real life as well.
You can see on the PFD that the plane gets pushed to the right (green bug on compass). That’s all that should happen during regular cruise outside of CATs.


Even though the wind velocity in a jet stream can be very fast, the wind flow itself is typically very smooth and laminar at high altitudes. Turbulence is usually caused by interactions between the wind and terrain, and high altitude wind flow is far removed from any terrain except perhaps over the Himalayas.

(This does not include the phenomenon of Mountain Waves, which can happen far downstream of certain tall mountain ranges at certain times at quite high altitudes)

That’s not to say that there can’t be turbulence in high altitude winds - there can, and sometimes it can be severe, but most of the time they only way to detect there is any wind at all is by looking at the wind readout on the instruments.


Thanks for the detailed explanation, so do you think asobo got it right in the game or is close to depicting wind and the physical properties and affect to aircraft?