Activities - Custom Content

I have to say, the thing I absolutely love the most about SU7 is Activities - Custom Content. Before, Bush Trips was a whole tangled mess. You would have to scroll up and down to find the next episode of your training. Trying to find anything was a pain.

With SU7, the first time I went in Custom Content, everything was still mixed, but at least it was separated from the regular Bush Trips. The second time coming in though, it was broken up into the different training sections, and then a mix of content. The third time coming in, everything was sorted splendidly. I could find my custom landing challenges, the miscellaneous bush trips, traning was broken up and the episodes in sorted order. I could find everything so easily now.

This was a very low key feature, not really called out in any of the prior information about this update, or even in the release notes, but this was HUGE. Thank you!