Add 3d object to cockpit?

I think the answer is ‘no’ from what I’ve understood of the SDK documentation, but I wondered if it’s possible to create an addon that adds a 3D object an aircraft’s cockpit, then have that display an HTML “gauge” / UI.

It looks to me like modifying the aircraft itself would be the only way to achieve this?

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I also would like to see the answer to this, as the SDK samples are based on replacing gauges already on the aircraft (i.e., the ■■■■■ gauges on the sample turboprop).

you can add to the cockpits via blender. you must import the LOD’s via MSFS gltf import. Edit it then export it to community folder.
Heaps of videos on youtube. Not sure about the html part.

I have also been wondering about this.
Anybody have any tutorials that shows the way to go about doing this? Most tutorials I have found is always regarding scenery mods or paint liveries.


You are correct. There are none I can find on editing planes.
I would follow the scenery editor video from the start and do the same with theplane, except grab a plane from the Official folder… try to get a similar 1 to the SimpleAircraft LOD from the SDK sample folder.
Just replace the .gltf and make sure the name is the same as the folder you use. Dump it in community folder and see how you go.