Hi guys
There is now the official new Asobo LSZH, but there is also the LSZH of FSdreamteam.
If I want to use the FSdreamteam one, do I then need to remove the microsoft one? Meaning “delete” it via the delete button?
Is that the correct way: or can both be installed and the FSdreamteam addon is automatically used correctly?
I wanna avoid conflicts and best performance.
So I guess I should delete the microsoft one, right?
But will I be able to get it back in case I wanna switch again?
Just use one of them. I had two KDEN (Asobo and purchase) and got all kinds of weird terrain effects on runways and taxiways. I have replaced several Asobo airports and they are still available in the content manager.
Hi Oliver, just delete the original Asobo/Gaya airport from the Content Manager screen. I had to do the same for Innsbruck (LOWI) as I had Jarrad Marshall’s Orbx version installed and it literally ended up rendering the scenery over the top of each other.
Usually this isn’t necessary, however as third party add-ons should exclude any content Gaya/Orbx have made from there designs and vice versa but this requires awareness and additional effort from the developers which may or may not have been done.
It’s unncessary to delete entries from this file. Just delete the scenery from the content manager, as @CutBait4531 has said they are still available in the content manager if you want to add them in at a later date.
I own that airport and there´s no conflict. You don´t need to delete anything from content manager but you can if you want. All you need to do is setting FSdreamteam with higher priority (placed below in the list) than Asobo´s in “Content.xml”. Then delete “SceneryIndexes” folder and let game re-generate a new one according to the new priorities. Do this with game not running (changes will apply after next start). If you purchased it after having the Asobo´s one installed then game will place it below in the list automatically and you don´t need to do anything.
Thanks guys.
For thouse who own FSdreamteam LSZH: Do you also have the problem after landing on the airport that ATC only shows “gates” to go for parking, but not general aviation “parking”?
I have this issue with this airport since a very long time. Probably since the beginning.
I land on the runway, leave the runway and switch to ground control ATC.
But then I can only ask for parking to gates… not for parking for general aviation with a small aircraft.
Very annoying.
Does anyone know a solution to that bug?