Advice about GA radio peripherals

Hello all you fine cockpit builders!

To complete my home cockpit I am thinking about adding an audio-panel and transponder (and maybe even a DME and ADF panel).
I know of a few options that are available on the market:

Could anyone who actively uses these instruments give advice so that I can decide which of these three would be the best option? Thank you very much!

Have you checked at he has assembled and semi DIY kits.

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Depends on your budget, but cheaper to build your own with an Arduino and Mobiflight.

I built a panel which includes an audio panel, com + nav radios, transponder and ADF. Super easy.

I think I am ready to go the diy road with arduino and mobiflight. Didn’t you have a website with examples?

There is also a Discord, if you need support … friendly folks there :slight_smile:

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I would love to reply exactly to your request but I don’t have any of the suggested hardware.

But I have a very old VrInsight M-Panel :

It’s robust. I have it since FS9. I only use it in GA aircraft I pilot in real (C172, DR400) to train me : it forces me to leave the screen and manipulate switches and rotative knots to set COMs, NAV, Obs, transponder, auto-pilot, flaps… check frequency, look at DME… etc. It has a huge coverage of featured despite very basic, not being tight to a specific aircraft nor looks like a Garmin or Bendix devices. And definitely cheapet :slight_smile:

+1 for propwashsim and when combined with Leobodnar boards you don’t have to program using Mobiflight as your controls are already recognised as inputs in MSFS.

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Leo’s stuff is needlessly expensive though. They are limited in their function; and you can buy 6 Mega2560’s for the price of 1 BU836x.

When you consider the cost of time to learn and build components using Mobiflight or any other programmable software Leo’s is cheap. With LeoBodnar you just add the wires and plug into USB then open MSFS and assign the button.

Mobiflight is great for those who want to learn about programming interfaces in flight simulation. I’d much rather just hook something up and have it work straight away! :grinning:

I didn’t know Leo’s boards could do 7 segment displays for radios and such. Or that MSFS had included all the buttons and dials that would be needed in the button assignment menu.
I don’t code, and Mobiflight took me about 10 minutes to figure out. It’s basically selecting inputs via drop-down boxes. I even use it to run my FFB rudder pedals.

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I used a Leo board once but, not again. They are good for buttons but that’s it. Arduino and MF is the best. No programming knowledge needed. I am three sim setups now. With over 200 inputs I can configure it in half a day.

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