Aerial Simulations F-117

Very beautiful! :slight_smile:
for my taste it should have been a few seconds more :wink: :slight_smile:

" A Quick Shot From The Trailer"!!
Seven seconds of Out of Focus Parked Planes - Somewhat Disappointing and certainly not up to the high standards you have scrupulously upheld until now.

Had to be an error in editing… :confused:. :smile:

Ahhh, Depth of Field is a beautiful thing.

I didn’t search the entire thread but did try looking, but I didn’t find where the price was listed. Since it’s been submitted to marketplace that means a price point must have been set.

AS confirmed on their Discord a price of $19.99 USD.

It was submitted to the Marketplace back on the 8th, so I’d assume it’ll come with SU10.


Wow! Good price :slight_smile: , thx for HU! Perhaps I will wait for non Marketplace version, I need weapons, even if they are empty, without powder :sweat_smile:

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Do we have news for other shops ?

Any weekly update this week? The trailer release maybe? I mean, we could have our hands on the actual final product within 4 days possibly, but it would be nice to see videos of the plane in action. Everything is looking great and I think people are pretty hyped! :slight_smile: )

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It definitely won’t be out in 4 days. Probably closer to 4 weeks. I have been working on a video showing what’s included but it needs a bit more work. As for the rest of last week, I just did a little more work on weapons. This week I won’t get much more done as I’m out of town for work.


I hope you will excuse my impatience. I think I can speak for anyone interested that we’re just incredibly excited about your F-117.
Do you already know where the F-117 will be available for purchase outside of the Market-Place? I am very interested in purchasing the variant with weapons (of course only for optical reasons).
In any case, the plane will be a “buy it now” for me! :slight_smile:
All the best to you.

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Thank You! Dont rush, we can wait for the best F-117 on the market so AerialSim :heart_eyes:.

Development is a process, I’m a beta tester and I know what it looks like, sometimes it feels like it (and close to release) but patching holes and upgrading takes a long time. However, it is better to delay the release from time to time so that it is not like Cyberpunk 2077;).

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No not yet, it will be at least a month, and maybe up to two, before I have solid news on where and when it will be sold somewhere else. Unfortunately now I have so much less time to organise all of this than I used too. I’m gonna try to have a preview out next week, and most of the weapons done by the week after, maybe 3 weeks from now at the latest. But even my weekends might disappear in October, which will slow down the other store version again.

ATM the planned weapons are:


I’m still thinking about the AGM’s and if they are worth doing

AGM-65E or similar:
I think it could have been possible, especially a LOAL AGM of a similar kind. If it could be dropped before engine ignition it would work fine.

I’d say there is a good chance this was tested IRL, the RLS and this would be a deadly combo. But the RLS didn’t last long into the Knighhawks life so it must not have been worthwhile, gave away the position of the bird to quickly, or it might not have worked as effectively as they had hoped.

My initial test shows it could possibly just fit, again would need to be dropped and not on a rail.

All that is mentioned in the manual is this and it is probably just because it’s a shared part from another aircraft.



Thank you very much for the update. :slight_smile:
Of course I can only speak for myself, but for me one variant of the GBU’s is completely sufficient.
I have decided to buy the variant that will be released first. If a version with weapons comes later, I’ll buy those as well. :slight_smile: The main thing is that I can support you wherever I can. :slight_smile:
Thank you again for everything!

Bad news for other shops.

I’ll have to wait.

Looks like it’s going to be a Long Fall Season waiting for the “Hawk”… but I’am here…

I was hoping to see the F-1117 in the marketplace this week.

It will be when it will be ready :slight_smile: .

so profound.

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Unfortunately, I know as much as you guys about when it will be released.

I’ve attempted to make a showcase video a few times now but all I can say is I’m not very good at making videos :joy: The trailer is done however, I’m just waiting to know the release date.

I have taken a break from modelling weapons to have a fourth go at making the IRADS screen work, so far I have managed to make something show up which means this is the most successful attempt so far. However, that something is just words, so there is still a way to go I think.


I spy with my little eyes.