Aeroplane Heaven Globe Swift released

AH add-ons for MSFS have been very up and down but I always appreciate seeing more vintage aircraft available for the sim so I hope this is one of the “ups,” purchase for me will depend on pricing though.

Their FSX/P3D rendition of this was the 85hp variant, I rather wish they’d do the GC-1B with the 125hp engine which was a reasonably “hot” aircraft for its time and class with a top speed of 130kts.


Excellent news; I really enjoyed the Globe Swift in FSX. I also thoroughly enjoy their Cessna 140 and the recent Chipmunk. So here’s hoping it lives up to the reputation it had in FSX.

love that Grille


Looks like it’s out?

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Yep, looks like.

Their pricing is creeping down to a competitive level.

As expected, only the 1A model. Much as I love slow old general aviation aircraft, we have a bit of a glut of planes for the sim in roughly this same performance bracket so I definitely would have liked to have seen the faster 1B.

Will be interested to hear impressions. The view from the cockpit certainly seems nice for sightseeing.

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Just put it at the less than US$20 mark and I’m much more likely to buy. I know, I know, it’s only an extra $1.50, but still :slight_smile: Now if they’d only drop the Chipmunk and F3F pricing to 20.

Looks nice, will be waiting on reviews. AH is very much hit and miss for me.

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OK, just picked up a copy and flew it for a short hop.

This is one of those releases where the question ‘should I buy it?’ pretty much depends on whether or not you really want to fly a Globe Swift.

As a GA guy, I’ve got a soft spot for slow, single engine aircraft with great visibility, analog instrumentation and not too many bells and whistles. If you enjoy the type of flying this aircraft represents, I’d say it’s a perfectly good purchase. Looks nice, flies like I imagine it would. Can’t really find any particular faults with it. EDIT: I do also have the reversed ailerons others have mentioned, which I didn’t notice on my short hop.

That said, it’s also a very by-the-numbers release. What you see is what you get; there’s really not much here in the way of surprising features. No maintenance stuff, no swappable instrumentation, no modern panel option, that sort of thing.

I personally would also like at least a bit of variety in terms of panel color and seat color; their Cessna 140 had that, this one doesn’t. It’s all the same basic interior no matter what livery you pick. Not a deal breaker since what’s there looks decent enough, and I’m sure repainters will give us some more color options anyway. But it would’ve been nice. This cries out for a nice red leather hot-rod interior.

If you really want a Globe Swift, it’s a decent enough purchase. If you want to fly something a bit more interesting overall, I’d pick their AWESOME Chipmunk instead. That one’s just got a bit more to it overall.


I simply don’t understand AH. :roll_eyes:

It’s really quite disappointing they opted to only port over the older and much slower 85 hp GC-1A instead of adding the far more powerful and interesting 125hp GC-1B. Don’t get me wrong: I love the Globe Swift for its looks, but I already have more than enough undermotorised planes in my virtual hangar. It would have been really nice to get a plane with a retractable tricyle landing gear that has a performance somewhere between the C172 and the Piper Arrow III or the Mooney M20.

So what would compel me to buy the Swift A? When I want another plane with the performance similar to a 85hp Swift, I can take the Chipmunk, or the C152, C140, Zlin Savage , Piper Warrior … the list with planes with a 700 ft/min climb rate and a cruise speed around 100kts is very long indeed.

In addition Globe and Temco built more than twice as many GC-1B’s than GC-1A’s.
AND most of the liveries provided by AH are actually taken from GC-1B planes …

So why is AH sticking to this boring A variant?!

So that’s another hard pass for me. Guess I will have another look at the Nemeth SIAI/Marchetti SF 205 instead although I’m really not enthusiastic about it. :slightly_frowning_face:


Watched a video of it… they messed up a few things in the modelling which is too bad. The canopy doesn’t look right, and the tail is off too. Sounds awful… looks alright inside… passable. Too bad because it could be a real fun airplane. I figure these devs know they will still sell a bunch and make money, so they keep pumping out these airplanes. Pass for me.


Hi all,

Question about the prop rotation, looking at the review from AvAngel it seems the prop turns counterclockwise. Should it not be clockwise ?

When looking at Youtube vids at the real aircraft they all turn clockwise.
Does the aircraft exist with a counterclockwise engine/ prop ?

Also the previous versions for FSX and P3D the prop turns clockwise.

I’m waiting on JustFlight for the release because I’m from Europe and the product is not available in Europe at the official site.

So far I’m loving it. After the Chipmunk my impression of AH has improved a bit, especially since they’ve been more receptive to feedback. This was one of my favorite GA aircraft in P3D. I did find a couple of small issues (ADF numbers are off center, maybe a conflict with another mod? Can’t seem to turn the aux pump off) but overall, it held up well for my first flight and I don’t regret the purchase. Sounds are about on par with the Chipmunk, e.g., not great but an improvement over the likes of the Electra and Mustang IMO.

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you can get it from ORBX

yes I know thx.

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I don’t know much about the Swift aircraft but I have some pretty strange things.

Ok so after installing the aircraft, manual putting the files in the community folder because no installer…

For some reason the gear will never come up no matter what I try…

Have a look at the ailerons ? When I turn my joystick left, the left aileron from the Swift goes down en the right goes up ? This is not correct.

And some other things I noticed about the aircraft. Maybe something is corrupt ?

Ok so I tried reinstalling, the same effect, can’t pull gear up, and ailerons are not correct.

Bought it from JustFlight. Not happy.

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I’m in communication with AH on the landing gear problem, having the same issue here.
I’ll review my videos as well to see if I also have the aileron reverse problem.
I also mentioned to them that the hydraulic switch or fuse is inop even though it has a click spot.
Please contact them directly via their help / support email contact at their website.
*** EDIT - the aileron animations ARE reversed.

Watching some videos, the yoke barely seems to move. I don’t expect it to be perfectly in sync with the movements of whatever stick or yoke the player is using, that isn’t the case in any aircraft really, but the movement is barely perceptible, to the point at first I didn’t think the animations for it worked at all. Anybody else notice this?

I almost pulled the trigger on this one (also still contemplating the Electra, because I’m a sucker for vintage aircraft), but in its current state I have to hold off. Perhaps quality control is a little more important than fuzzy dice gimmicks? :wink:

I mean, how does something like the reversed aileron animation even happen? It’s such a super basic thing that I’ve never seen anyone else get wrong.


I have no idea how devs keep making that mistake, it’s happened on at least a dozen releases from various devs that I can think of, and some freeware.

As for this one, I’m not sure what the issue is with the gear. They work perfectly for me. Keep in mind, you have to have the hydraulic pump on. In my case, I can’t even turn that off so it’s not an issue for me. The switch is on the far right of the copilot panel. It’s in the manual.

Is it possible that pump is stuck OFF for other users? Maybe it’s a hardware binding thing :thinking:

Be sure to email - they usually are pretty prompt with replies.


Response from AH :

“The Ailerons are indeed the wrong way around. It is a mistake and it is now fixed and will be uploaded to the vendors and stores today in about 6 hours time. This will bring the version up to Version 1.0.5 and it fixes this and a few other little issues as well with the sound etc. You will be notified as soon as it is ready from the store you bought from”


It looks very nice inside (I own it, not basing it off of videos.) Some of their best texture work in my view. The canopy being “off” is an argument I’ve heard from AvAngel, and… I don’t know. She felt that the real thing was a bit more rounded, and I think she’s right about the side windows being rounded (if that’s what she meant?) but the real thing is not any more “bubbly” than AH’s rendition. If it is, it’s by such a tiny margin that I would never notice. In fact, here’s a comparison from her video and the real thing, and the only notable difference I can spot is the shape of the side windows which may or not be an aftermarket situation, I’d have to look at more Swifts.


Edit: The above right is the Tecmo GC-1B which did have more rounded side windows. The 1A is exactly as pictured on the left. I think AH got it spot on, though I haven’t yet compared a front view to see if they got the curvature right at that angle.

Edit 2: I just looked at a ton of GC-1, GC-1A and GC-1B examples and I think the reason people are thinking the canopy is wrong is because of the number of existing Swifts that have had various bubble or partial bubble canopies installed (by that I just mean much more bulbous windscreens). Example here: Globe GC-1A Swift ( The original Swift, as highlighted by the National Air and Space Museum here, was quite angular. Globe Swift GC-1A | National Air and Space Museum (

There’s a patch coming soon per AH for the gear issue which only some people are experiencing (not related to hydraulics it turns out, gear is electric), the prop and aileron animations and I think something else.

I do agree a B variant would have been really nice, though I do love the A. In terms of power, this is surprisingly peppy. I was able to climb to 10k without even really planning on going over 6, just wanted to see how well it handled it. With the right mixture, it’s very happy to climb. It’s a slow plane, but I found it to be more than adequate for cruising around on scenic runs. But yeah… the more variants, the merrier!

This may be my new touring aircraft. Only thing I wish it had is a transponder (you can set one via ATC, but there’s not a unit I can see) and a landing light (I know, I know… there wasn’t one in the real thing, but I really like the positionable lamps and panel lights. It’s begging to be flown at night.)