[Aerosoft] - EDDF Frankfurt Airport

Of course you do have to factor in what may be available as default EDDF wise in say the premium/deluxe version of FS2024. The one in FS2020 premium wasn’t half bad given it’s age (I still used it up until this morning). They have shown KJFK already so perhaps it will be a carbon copy upgrade what FS2020 did airport wise with those premium packages. This EDDF is definitely an improvement but will it have longevity with FS2024 only weeks away? :man_shrugging:

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To go inside terminals with interior put an .off at the end of EDDF_Placements_crashbox.bgl which you find under Aerosoft-airport-eddf-frankfurt/scenery/EDDF/scenery.


as in rename the file extension “.bgl.off” effectively hiding it? or by editing the file?

Yes .bgl.off


dont forget the fact, that you are playing a very performance hungry Game, especially VRAM on higher LODs and you are using a 6 year old graphics card that is already a bit lacking, especially on the VRAM side…

You cant expect wonders.

deleting it has the same effect, but renaming it prevents it from being loaded too, but you still have the file if you want to re-activate it.

You are just changing the file ending with this, so the sim cant read it. the name doesnt matter, .OFF is just a word that makes sense when “disabling” it, but you can name it whatever you want, besides .bgl. Or just delete it…

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Yes. The dev was asked what his next project will be that he works on, he said, probably EDDF for FS24 :sweat_smile:

Guess as soon as they get hands on the FS24 SDK, they will check what is needed to make it compatible and use FS24 features/SDK to rework it.

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Oh my, now there’s honesty for you. In hindsight I probably should have waited.

Of course FS2024 and the rumoured streaming of purchased content? (If I have that bit right) will say that we can get all the performance benefits of the cloud but only by not having local installs of 3rd party airports. That would also suggest that every purchase will be virtual and that they will just reside on the cloud and potentially be streamed from there.
If they reside locally in community they will still work but have the usual hardware limitations. Just a guess, but I’m curious as to how this situation develops.

Why tho? Im pretty sure it will be a a free update. Cant guarantee tho. They “just” have to adjust a few things to the new SDK, best case.

Worst case, it will need more than just a bit touch up. But the models/textures are there, so its not that they have to re-do it. But there might me features in the Scenery SDK that werent present in MSFS, so they might want to take advantage of these.

dont think that is the case tho. Otherwise all the 3rd party scenerys would need to be installed on a Microsoft server, i dont see that happening, makes no sense.

I think this referred only to base MSFS content, that they will stream more stuff from the base product, but not 3rd party AddOns.

there WILL be a community folder. A separate one of MSFS. So this is already confirmed info.

If they can stream Asobo airports then there would be no reason they couldn’t stream 3rd party. No long downloads, easy updates etc. Remember that FS2024 is supposedly going to be only/under 50GB install size. Maybe they have made the default aircraft and airports optional (I hope) to download. I can’t wait to hear.

However having larger airports like EDDF installed locally will surely require the same hardware that we have now to run, with maybe a few extra CPU cycles available. This doesn’t stack up with the thin client model that they are touting though. Maybe we get more details soon.

Hey guys,

Checking to see if anyone is experiencing pink texturing around the airport. I have over 150 airports and have not experienced this issue. I have removed the default EDDF, done several uninstalls and reinstalls. I’ve also followed the instructions on how to do an install refresh using the utilities button on the Aerosoft installer but to no avail



Does this “pink” texture go away when you go closer to it?
I 'am asking this because i saw it on a airbus livery (from the outside of the aircraft).
As i came closer to the aircraft, the pink color disappeared after 8 seconds.

This is what google says:

HOW TO FIX THE ISSUE. Remove all 3rd party add-ons from your Community and Official folders. Locate your Sim “Packages” folder and delete all fs-base* files and folders inside the “Packages” folder and restart the Sim. This will force the Sim to download all the files and replace any corrupted files.

That area all looks OK on my end.

I dont think this is gonna happen, and i dont even want this to happen… an sirport can have 10GB,i only see issues with that and i dont want to be forced to not being able to use it offline. im pretty sure, streaming 3rd party airports is not a thing.


No it does not go away at all. You only see it in the day time. Not visible at night.

Will try this when I get home later. Thanks

better check the Aerosoft Forums first, before you just delete things that are probalby not related at all and you have to reinstall half the sim again…

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