I’m getting bored of the silence.
I’m getting bored of the silence.
Not every small field has a weather broadcast. For instance, if you’re headed to W88, you tune in KGSO’s weather to get an altimeter setting and a general idea of the wind direction. Pick your landing runway from that and do a low approach upwind over the runway (or just off to the side) to get a look at the windsock and check for critters on the runway. Fly cross/downwind/base and land after getting a lay of the land, so to speak.
In Europe like the USA, there are thousands of GA pilots.
Most of European airspace is covered by area control, ATC at Interrnational Airports and local areas around small fields by AFIS.
Small fields have AFIS usually between 9:00 and 18:00. Out of these hours, ‘Blind Calls’ on the Airfield’s frequency are made to inform nearby traffic of your intentions.
There are Squawk codes for ‘small traffic’ for around each major airport , but not in their controlled airspace.
What MSFS doesn’t have is minimal ATC ( Tower only ) at the small provincial fields.
My request is a ‘luxury’ facility, because up to now, I have used my imagination. My approach to smaller fields has to enter pattern, fly Downwind, Base & final, announcing to an imaginary person in the tower.
Maybe a future development.
We are talking about AFIS, not ATIS.