Hi folks,
I’m the author of the Carrier Ops mod with the animated deck crew and I’m really struggling to over-ride some terraformed terrain under the ship popping up and down with distance.
The tiny island (20m x 30m x 20m high) is hidden inside the ship to allow me to place a parking spot and runway start positions without the planes falling through the collision boundary on the ship.
As soon as I get 1.2Nm from the ship the island pops down which causes the ship to ‘sink’ once I’m inside 1.2Nm the island pops up and the ship pops back up to the correct height.
It’s clearly affected by the Terrain level of detail of setting, I fly with a default of 400 and the popping occurs at 1.2Nm if I dial the value back to 100 it happens even closer to the ship.
I’ve tried changing the size of the island, the size/position of the invisible runway, the LOD of the ship (I was desperate lol) and a number of other tricks but all have failed.
Has anyone else had a similar problem and solved it ?
best regards
I’d head over here and ask. You might even get the attention of Asobo developers…
Thank you,
After trying every workaround I know and also a few suggestions I’ve finally figured out how to stop the ships popping.
It only took a week of faffing around !
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Maybe you don’t mind sharing your findings?
On my side, when working with terraforming the easiest solution Is using snaptoground false and altitudeisagl false and using Absolute altitude for the objects, so they stick to that altitude regardless any terrain change
A bit of background first is in order. The carrier model has collision surfaces on it so planes can fly to it and land on the flight deck, that works well.
I added a runway under the carrier just so I could add a parking spot on the deck for people to spawn onto. This didn’t work as the plane just falls through the deck to the water underneath it when you spawn in.
To stop that happening I put a terraformed ‘island’ inside the ship which allowed the parking spot to behave correctly. I also added a second water excluding polygon over the island to prevent crash damage for contacting water.
The ship popping up and down was caused by this small island popping up and down because of the terrain level of detail limits.
The solution was to offset the origin of model by a 100m or so and then slide the ship back over the island. Because the ship origin isn’t affected by the island popping up and down the ship doesn’t move and because the ship is over the top of the island no one sees the island popping either.
I hope that makes sense, it took a lot of trial and error to find the answer but now I know it is a very simple workaround