Aircraft in MSFS 2024 vary in quality

I can say if it is as good as the Hornet I will never fly it! :yum:


So that’s four years of work?

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I don’t agree. The thread title is about the varying quality of MSFS aircraft. The OP is focusing on the quality of the A10 cockpit, but the title is more general, so I don’t think discussing aircraft quality outside of his specific concern is off topic. He complains about the cockpit representation in at least two MSFS aircraft, so I take those as examples of what he considers poor quality aircraft modeling in general within the sim/game.


Right, but it’s not about detail of avionics or systems.

One of the posts I was referring to mentions ‘800 page manuals’, which is clearly nothing to do with cockpit or external models and textures.

The visual fidelity of any aircraft in the sim should have nothing to do with whether it’s ‘study-level’ or the complete opposite yet people always seem to conflate the two issues.


That’s fine; however, you saying that we were off topic was going too far. The topic is the varying quality of aircraft in the sim. If the OP wanted the discussion to only revolve around visual representations then he should have been more specific in the titling of his thread.

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Quite frankly I would say the default airplanes in current sim are ain’t that bad (especially the small GAs). Yes there are glitches with flight model and what not but they are step up from what we had in legacy sims. I am anticipating that same standards will be brought in to 2024 version. But at the end of the day default aircraft are default - we can’t expect PMDG/Fenix level fidelity from these.

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That varies from plane to plane, and I don’t expect 2024 to be any different in that regard.

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The Hornet has been improved in 2024.
It has been remodelled, and according to couple people who flew it at the event, it feels better than the 2020 one.


Looks like it

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Couldn’t resist :slight_smile:


you should have. Nit picking to the extreme and obviously nothing better to do

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Well, really the default 152/172 with the available mods the artwork and modeling vs FPS performance is better than 90% of payware aircraft in the same class. I’m looking forward to the Carenados with their artwork and generally solid base with likely code open to modding. Some of the best aircraft in the sim are still first party with modifications increasing complexity vs what is likely nerfed on purpose to make them more palatable to the average simmer. And that’s not even considering offerings from FlightFX, GF, AT Simulations, Bluemesh, Blackbird, HPG, Miltech, etc.


The A-10 Cockpit model you can see in the video is the same model as you find in Deimos Inc A-10, and you can purchase here: 3ds Max A-10c Warthog A10
Nothing against it, but it is what it is.

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Not familiar with the Deimos version but comparing the DCD screenshots with the turbosquid model I can see many similarities in the way things don’t look correct. Some things - such as the stick - are clearly different and probably sourced from elsewhere.

I’m not surprised to be honest. The CJ Simulations Eurofigher external model has significant errors in common with a turbosquid product, and it’s inconceivable that they’re coincidental.

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Sorry I can’t see a glaring differnce here in visual quality. What EXACTLY make you think the Optica is wors than the Cessna 170? I don’t get it :face_with_monocle: :man_shrugging:

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In person, I stay away from military aircraft in MSFS. ( ok, transportation birds have a chance)
If I want to fly bombers/fighters, I fire up DCS
Happy :small_airplane:

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