Aircraft Version Warning while installing World Update Germany, Austria, Switzerland


Today I bought CRJ 1000 add-on pack and noticed there is an update to the 550/700 which I owned. I downloaded and installed the 1000 and then updated the 550/700. when I relaunched MSFS I noticed it doesnt show 550/700 as installed, so I had to download and re-install that again. (I dont know if this is relevant to my problem, I just wanted to make sure I report everything about how I noticed the content of this topic.)

Then I decided to download and install the last world update. It downloaded and installed with out any problem but gives me a warning saying “some dependencies are missing or our date” and then list many aircraft incl DA40G, X Cub. Cessna Skyhawk G1000 Beechcraft King Air, Cessna Grand Caravan, B747 etc. are uot of date with current and last version numbers.

I dont know if this is a bug or not but am curious to know if the airplanes in question are up to date.

I am on 1.20.6


Check the Marketplace for download as well as the content manager

Thank you.

I dont have a problem with the CRJ now. My problem is the warning that the World Update for Germany, Austria and Switzerland gave me. I am wondering if I dont have the latest versions of stock aircrafts even though I have the latest version of MSFS.

I have the same problem, I uninstalled and reinstalled MSFS (the whole thing) and yet the dependencies out of date for stock aircraft message is still there.