Airports feel lifeless?

Does anyone know if something has changed? For instance when i start at Miami now, theres far less ground vehicles roaming about. There used to be a few cars and buses and stuff adding to the atmosphere. Most of my airports dont do that anymore. Have they changed something? Airports feel dead!

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Could be the settings my ones keep resetting and have noticed it resets them.

Well ive got people and vehicles at 100. Its weird.

This is how I am set and it seems normal to me.

odd. I wonder if an addon is interfering with it…

I would check to see if one of the updates changed your settings.
It happens a lot.

Not the handcrafted and download airports. They are realistic.

Avoid small generic “airports” because they are seldom more than a brown stripe in generic landscape, and NOTHING else (not even a building or tower.)
Download as much freeware and payware airports and scenery as possible :wink:

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Ive sorted it now. It wasnt the actual airports per se, there was a file within a freeware airport I downloaded that blocked the spawning of ground traffic around airports, the vans, buses, etc that roam around the airport and give it life. I have fixed it now :slight_smile:

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Whenever you have an issue, the very first step is to try with the Community folder empty.
That eliminates addons as the problem, and probably 70 - 80% of the time, they are the issue.

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Hm I have tested various bigger airports with a Robin DR400 to roll around on the airport area, and all these airports look incredible alive and detailed. Cars and trucks and parking planes and stuff everywhere.

“Dead” are only the private, farm, and bushflight airports that consist of a strip of meadow and nothing else (no building, no tower…).

But there is a great website dedicated to bushflying to make these small and completely empty grass-strips also alive and realistic :wink:

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