All dials, etc have disappeared

I feel like this has been addressed before, but my google-fi skills aren’t the best.

Flying a 787 from KLAX to RJAA. About half-way through - ALL the instruments on the panel disappeared. I don’t mean the numbers in the AP panel went blank - that, I can deal with if I can find the brightness switch for it. No - I mean all buttons, dials, displays, etc disappeared. Looking at the panel, if there was a button, knob, dial - basically, anything you can interact with - was gone and replaced by a blank screen, as in someone went in and stripped it for parts. Makes the plane pretty much unflyable. I thought I had red that resetting the panels would fix that, but it didn’t. Saving/loading the flight just screwed things up more.

Has anyone seen this, and if so, is there a way to fix it in flight, since saving/loading flights doesn’t seem to work (at least for flights on AP at cruise)?