All of a sudden planes will not follow flight plan?

Hello Captains,
Setting up the usual flight plans from the main screen of MSFS, it seems no planes will now follow the GPS route accurately, the routes themselves on the VFR map look broken too. Not sure but this could gave started since the last update. Anyone else with this issue? Any suggestions welcome. I have been using the G1000 update from the marketplace, which seemed to be fine before?

No such issues here. Are the flight plans correctly loaded into the G1000?

Well, I’ve always setup a plan from the main screen, not by actually putting it manually into the Garmin. That has always worked for 99% of planes I have. I’ll check the Garmin to see if the plan is going in. Maybe they’ve made it compulsory to use the Garmin direct.

They should load from the world map to the Garmin correctly if my memory doesn’t fail. The thing to check is if the garmin shows the flight plan correctly (and if it’s exactly the same as the one show in world map, so you’ll need to at least take a screenshot of the navlog), then see if the issue is loading the flight plan or the plane following it.

Never had any issues like this so it sounds like an error on your end, unless it’s just affecting a specific route or something like that.

Does it typically occur at a certain point in the flight? Sometimes certain approaches are buggy and don’t work properly.

Just flew Sacramento to Fresno. I confirmed the complete route showed in NavLog. Plane followed the purple GPS line almost all the way, then in the last few turns just “lost its way” and headed off in a different direction, but then eventually turned to the runway heading? Weird.

I highly recommend removing the Garmin 1000 acquired from the Marketplace.

Good suggestion! I am now trying with the Working Title Garmin 3000