Altitude-limit / Flight_Model problem using the SDK

I have run into a situation that needlessly causes frustration

the sdk adds a new comment “altitude-limit=0” to the flight_model.cfg if you edit that file in game
BUT it adds this comment with a value of 0 and therefore DISABLES YOUR FLAPS ANIMATIONS, basically without notice or warning
I spent some hours working out why my flaps had ‘suddenly and mysteriously’ stopped working only to realize …

This comment is added by the SDK with a Non-Default value of “0” - Default listed in the sdk is “-1” which would Rightfully disable the setting

This isnt necessarily a bug, the comment works as expected, its the SDK using this destructive Non-Default value that literally disables your flaps animations that is the problem
I have helped multiple people after the fact ‘Fix the Animation Issue’ they thought they had, that was actually an incorrect ‘SDK added’ setting

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