Does anyone have any idea what the next world update is?
USA is a rogue nation. Would love Europe to be next!
That’s got to be the word of the year next time they choose it.
The next update will hopefully be Europe, but that will be a big task - so many countries each with their own architecture and so many landmarks.
I wouldn’t be surprised if they split it - perhaps Scandinavia, then southern Europe, etc, leaving the best (British Isles) till last.
Australasia would be good
I think it will be Kiribati!
Antarctica should of course be next. I just hope they get the trees correct there.
They said on the official Twitch stream last night that it will be announced today.
Canada is the best candidate for the next World Update. Reasons:
It has some best sceneries in the world.
It has so many mountains and peaks, where a topography update helps most.
It has big, vibrant cities with famous landmarks.
It’s close to US, so it makes sense to “expand” US World Update across the border.
(Maybe important) To get more detailed data of Canada, the development team needs not to deal with many countries that may have different navigation and geographic data control policies. There’s a reason why both World Updates released so far were one-country only.
Because so many lands in northern Canada remain unpopulated and difficult to travel into, it makes more sense for people to utilize MSFS to explore those areas and enjoy the beauty of nature. It will even help the cause of environment protection, because people will realize that global warming may forever ruin all those northern sceneries!
That being said, I agree Australia/New Zealand or Nordic countries (including Iceland and Greenland) are also good candidates for the next World Update. Or, if the development team would like to give developing countries a chance, they can choose India.
Latin America and Caribbean!!
Haha, I guess your Canadian then?
But seriously I can only agree.
I live in England, but I have visited Canada.
Been to Niagara, Montreal and Toronto and stayed for some three months in an ashram in the lovely Laurentian mountains, in Quebec.
So yes, Canada is a good candidate.
Or USA World Update Part II.
Yes, Canadian here:)
Europe in an only update is very difficult, to many governments and sources of data.
It’s not what would like us the most, is where did they find data good enougth to make an update. I guess they are trying many many countries, and they make the updates in the order the data arrives.
I think it’s gonna be Seasons to celebrate the winter solstice and then it will be followed by Oceania. Makes sense if you know where to look
As someone who would like occasionally to read and hear about something other than politics, like flight simulation for example, I sure hope that political stuff can be avoided here.
This is a flight sim forum
preys in UK
Tierra Del Fuego.
They may mention it later today since there’s a Q&A on Twitch.